The research results are reported at Health Day News revealed that age a man can affect children's health and intelligence produced. This is because a change or a genetic mutation on chromosome of men as they age. It is possible that changes in the DNA of the father passed on a child that affect intelligence and health of the child.
The researchers noted that the older the age of the mother while pregnant could increase the risk of babies intellectually flawed, for example down syndrom. It turns out this is not just a risk that should be cause for concern for women, because men with older age have the same level of risk. But how a genetic mutation that occurs in men are yet to be explained.
"In many cases that occurred on the fathers, on average they (Dad has a child with intellectual disabilities) was two years older than the fathers who have children without intellectual disabilities," said Jayne Hehir-Kwa, head of the Research Department of human genetics, University of Nijmegen, the Netherlands Health Day News.
Children with an IQ of less than 70 are usually subjected to a genetic mutation. They also tend to have congenital heart defects and other health problems. In the case studied, as much as 70 percent of DNA abnormalities associated with children with intellectual disabilities were revealed by the father.
This research has yet to be resumed. Nevertheless, it's worth You are getting mature in planning a pregnancy, especially when you and your partner have more than 35 years of age. Consult your doctor first if you are planning a pregnancy while in the older age compared to the young couple.
The researchers noted that the older the age of the mother while pregnant could increase the risk of babies intellectually flawed, for example down syndrom. It turns out this is not just a risk that should be cause for concern for women, because men with older age have the same level of risk. But how a genetic mutation that occurs in men are yet to be explained.
"In many cases that occurred on the fathers, on average they (Dad has a child with intellectual disabilities) was two years older than the fathers who have children without intellectual disabilities," said Jayne Hehir-Kwa, head of the Research Department of human genetics, University of Nijmegen, the Netherlands Health Day News.
Children with an IQ of less than 70 are usually subjected to a genetic mutation. They also tend to have congenital heart defects and other health problems. In the case studied, as much as 70 percent of DNA abnormalities associated with children with intellectual disabilities were revealed by the father.
This research has yet to be resumed. Nevertheless, it's worth You are getting mature in planning a pregnancy, especially when you and your partner have more than 35 years of age. Consult your doctor first if you are planning a pregnancy while in the older age compared to the young couple.