During pregnancy women are more susceptible to illness that comes from food. This occurs because of hormonal changes that cause the immune system to weaken. In some cases, the disease during pregnancy can lower health disorders in infants conceived.
In order to be spared from diseases caused by food during pregnancy, a research at North Dakota State University cites some advice of the treatment of foods that are safe and healthy for pregnant women. When shopping for groceries, pregnant women need to pay attention to these things:
- Always check food labels for information security.
- Do not buy food that is past the expiration date.
- Check the integrity of the packaging, do not buy foods that are already damaged packaging. For canned food, check out the cans, lest there is a dent into the cans.
- Avoid vacuum packaging which has been sagging. Vacuum packaging should be taut and stick to the food.
- Avoid food that has changed color.
- When buying food that is cooled, try not to get out of the refrigerator for more than 2 hours.
- In choosing the food, make sure pregnant mothers also pay attention to these things:
- Dairy products and their derivatives
- Be sure to choose only the milk and its derivatives products, cheese, yogurt is pasteurized. If not, there is still a possibility of harmful bacteria, like Listeria that can trigger a miscarriage.
- Fruits and vegetables, for the needs of vitamins, minerals, and fiber.
- Avoid salad products in packaging, since it often contains Listeria. Fruits and vegetables also need to be washed with running water to remove any bacteria-harmful bacteria that may exist.
- Meat, fish, seafood, eggs, for the needs of protein and zinc.
- Avoid eating these foods when raw or half-cooked because it still has not been able to kill harmful bacteria. In choosing eggs, make sure the eggs intact and there are no cracks in the skin. When shopping for meat or raw fish, be sure to separate from other food ingredients.
- Cereals and bread, to the need for folic acid, minerals, and other nutrients.
- Save this type of food in a dry place and also note the expiration date, do not get memakanannya after passing through that date. Read also the nutritional information listed on the packaging. (ag.ndsu.edu)