Tips That Should Be Done For Pregnant Women At The Time of Travel
Pregnant women, especially those who work, allows to travel alone. Both are traveling out of town even abroad for work. Actually the cars could have been traveling, but there are some important things to note.
- Always communication. Prepare your mobile phone and make sure it is always in a State of active, to charge the battery and bring supplies such as the charger. An important means of communication to be carried as well as cars while traveling, in order to be always connected with your spouse, friends or relatives, anytime and anywhere.
- Consult a doctor. Before traveling you should consult with a physician. Make sure whether the condition of pregnancy the mother allowed to travel alone, or should need mentoring.
- Bring medical record book. If traveling during the second or third trimester, pregnancy books bring medical record so that if something happens and requires to the hospital, doctors can get to know your medical history cars.
- Are in a safe place. Although safe travel abroad for example, cars are advised to avoid travelling to areas where there is an infectious disease, plague, or political unrest.
- Contact relatives. Consider contacting relatives who work/live in another country/city close to the intended recipients, so that cars can call them in emergencies anywhere cars are.
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