Cut down on snacking on chips during pregnancy

Cut down on snacking on chips during pregnancy

When you're pregnant, the women usually attempt to regulate its diet healthier. When the hunger and wanted any snacking, we recommend that you choose a healthier snack. A kind of spicy snacks of crisps and biscuits should be avoided, because, according to researchers from the Centre for Research in Environmental Epidemiolgoy (CREAL) in Barcelona, Spain, the adverse effect such snacks as large as a if pregnant women smoke.

Pregnant women with the intake of a chemical compound acrylamide is high (commonly found in foods that mealy or coffee) could potentially store toxins, so it tends to give birth to babies with low weight and smaller head circumference (average 0.33 cm smaller). The size of the head of a newborn has to do with the development of the baby's nerve. A baby with a smaller head circumference will be at risk of experiencing delays the progression of her body.

Babies born to mothers who have a high intake of acrylamide are likely to have any weight 125 grams lighter than infants of mothers who intake of acrylamide him low. "The influence of acrylamide were outweighed by the bad influence of smoking on birth weight babies," explained Professor John Wright from Bradford Institure for Health Research which became a partner in the study.

Low birth weight during this time also often associated with a number of effects of ill health in early childhood, such as a shorter body, increasing the incidence of heart disease, osteoporosis, and diabets.

This discovery was made after researchers tested the diet patterns of more than 1,000 pregnant women in Denmark, United Kingdom, Greece, Norway, and Spain, between 2006 and 2010. The study held at 20 research centres across Europe are also analyzing 14,000 children born in the town of Yorkshire, through a program called "Born in Bradford".

"The babies had the highest acrylamide level, nearly twice the level in Denmark," said CREAL, researcher Dr. Marie Pedersen. "When we investigate the pattern of their diet, to see that their biggest source of acrylamide asup comes from chips."

Acrylamide is a chemical compound that can be formed in foods through cooking process mealy with high temperatures (such as baked or fried). Many home-based food and processed foods containing these compounds, among other spicy chips, potato chips, sweet biscuits, cereal and processed like whole wheat biscuits.

These compounds can cause cancer in animals, and there has been no evidence of human influence. However, the adverse effect on the health of the newborn led the research team recommends that pregnant women not to be too frequent snacking chips and other foods high in acrylamide. Food producers were encouraged to reduce levels of acrylamide in their products.
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