5 Recipes To Prevent Back Pain In Pregnant Women

5 Recipes to prevent back pain In pregnant women
 Pregnancy is an exciting time. As you get older, the pregnancy weight load that must be sustained body. No wonder many women who experience back pain when pregnant. So that pregnant women avoid the problem of pain or sore on the back, some of these tips you can try.

1. Do physical activities

Under the conditions of a healthy pregnancy, you can do many activities like the moment before getting pregnant, of course with certain limitations. Let your body move do light activities, such as cooking, relaxing stroll during the afternoon or early in the morning and a variety of light physical activity makes the body move.

2. sit down with exact position

If you work in an Office and have to sit in a long time, make sure your seat is quite comfortable. The seat must support the hips until the entire back. If both feel uncomfortable Office Chair, take a pillow with a thickness that is comfortable to You as a buffer.

Make sure your feet rests on the floor or on a table with a comfortable footing. Never sit with crossed legs or prop up one leg on top of the other foot. Once in a while (about 30 minutes once) stand up and walk briefly around the Office so that your back isn't sore.

3. replace the position Slowly

Started since pregnancy is still small, make it a habit to switch positions with the movement slowly. When you are sitting and will stand, do so slowly. Likewise, when you will be sitting. A slow movement that will make your back comfortable and not jerks. Likewise, while doing other activities, do so slowly.

4. avoid Bending

Pregnant women are advised not to bend, let alone bending while lifting or carrying goods. The load on the stomach will pull back so that it can lead to pain and even injury. If you want to take the stuff that falls on the floor or lift the goods (a lightweight though), try not to bend. Better bend both your knees to humble body, take the stuff, and then align the back of the knee.

5. Wear a back Support

If you want to prevent back pain and keeping posture stay healthy during pregnancy, you can wear a back support specifically for pregnant women. The cantilever can be special for the burden of part back and stomach (you can buy at a pharmacy or store fixtures of pregnant women), including bras and panties in particular pregnant women. Once in a while, ask the help of a husband to give a light massage on the back.

That's five tips that you can apply during pregnancy. I hope your pregnancy continues:)
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