Healthy Foods for Quality Hair

healthy foods for quality hair

 Many of the foods that we eat everyday turns out to be good for the skin, but also good for the hair. Well, for you that is having a problem with hair loss and dandruff, dull, come try the food below so your hair naturally healthier.

1. string beans

Beans are an increasingly magical food eaten will be increasingly nourish our hair. Beans contain a lot of protein, zinc, biotin and iron that makes the beans be best foods for hair growth.

2. Fish

Rich in omega 3 fatty acids is good for health, it also has an impact is good for your hair because it can make hair more radiant and moisturized.

3. eggs and milk

Because the proteins your body needs, then we're pretty much consume the eggs and milk are highly recommended. In addition to the body and bone, hair also need it to strengthen and make it elastic.

4. Nuts

Eating nuts is very important especially for you who want to keep the hair from thinning and loss. Peanuts contain zinc and selenium which prevents premature hair loss.

5. Carrot

In addition to good for the eyes, it turns out eating carrots good for Your scalp and hair. Vitamin A is able to balance the scalp conditions that will prevent the hair from dandruff often make Noires.

6 Oysters.

The oyster is one source of zinc and can be a powerful anti oxidant for the hair so it makes your hair stay strong and not easily broken.

7. dark green Vegetables

Green vegetables contain vitamins A and C is good for the hair. Spinach and broccoli helps us to avoid the problem of dandruff as well as make our hair more natural glow. In addition natural conditioners like getting hair.

8. Bananas and raisins

Bananas and raisins contain vitamin B6 and iron that can carry oxygen to the scalp and prevents hair growth and his stunted damage.

Hair is a Crown of women. In hijab condition or not, the hair should still be maintained, Ladies. So, let start eating healthy foods on top and get healthy hair.
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