Hair that is too oily fast indeed sucks, because it inevitably would have to wash it every day. If it is not the hair will look shabby and dirty.
Dr. Heidi Waldorf, dermatologist at the Mt. Sinai School of Medicine in New York says, if the glands produce sebum--the natural oils--excessive, then the oil can to spread and make hair become oily. Excess oil in the scalp can also be caused due to the menstrual period.
Even though oily scalp that can not be cured permanently, but you can try some of these tips to control excess oil, he offered his tips such as eHow and the Weekly Life and Beauty.
1. Special Shampoo greasy hair
Use a mild shampoo it specifically for oily hair. In addition, you can also choose shampoos labeled ' clarifying '. Clarifying shampoos are shampoos for hair-hair that is colored. Its function is to reaffirm the color and eliminate harmful chemical substances left behind when painting hair. Not only were able to eliminate the dangerous chemical substances, clarifying shampoos can also make your hair oil-free.
2. Shampoo Twice
So the excess oil shot up perfect, hair rinse twice and do not immediately rinse shampoo. Give it a light massage into the scalp and wait approximately 30 seconds before rinsing it off. This way gives more foam and can lift the excess oil. Then rinse, and then apply the shampoo again and repeat the steps above. Rinse the hair two times can make the scalp and hair really clean.
3. Shampoo every day, but did not Hit the scalp
If the condition of the oil was too severe, you can wash your hair every day. But the focus on leaching on leaf hair not scalp, as if focused on the scalp, it can make a dry scalp. When dry scalp make hair itches scratch it often so that you become, when the hair is continuing to cause rubbed horny hair oil out.
4. use the conditioner only at the ends of the hair
Avoid give conditioner on the hair. It can make the scalp more oily. Use at the ends of the hair only.
5. wash your hair with Baking Soda
Benefits of baking soda is cleaning up the excess oil on the hair. Not only that, baking soda also keep the pH in the scalp, thus avoiding the hair from dandruff. Baking soda safe to use, because its content is not making the natural oils in the hair is gone. It will make the hair becomes soft and the excess oil on the hair will be raised.
How, mix a cup of baking soda to one quart of water, save it in a bottle and then shake the baking soda mixture before use. When hair is wet, You could apply a mixture of baking soda, and then massage the hair and let sit for 15 minutes.
6. oily hair Solution When Emergencies
When shampooing hair, however, didn't get very drenched, you get styling your hair to cover the hair of excess oil. The trick with banch or braiding the hair. Lucky braids hairstyles, is becoming the trend. Plus, you can look stylish while hair is being problematic.
Another way is to replace the parts of the hair. If you usually divide the hair on the right side, replace parts of the position to the left. With this simple way can reveal sides of the hair more volume and clean.
Not up there, you can wet the shampoo and it gave just the bangs. So the hair oils can be camouflaged with the front part of the hair that is clean.
Hair that is too oily fast indeed sucks, because it inevitably would have to wash it every day. If it is not the hair will look shabby and dirty.
Dr. Heidi Waldorf, dermatologist at the Mt. Sinai School of Medicine in New York says, if the glands produce sebum--the natural oils--excessive, then the oil can to spread and make hair become oily. Excess oil in the scalp can also be caused due to the menstrual period.
Even though oily scalp that can not be cured permanently, but you can try some of these tips to control excess oil, he offered his tips such as eHow and the Weekly Life and Beauty.
1. Special Shampoo greasy hair
Use a mild shampoo it specifically for oily hair. In addition, you can also choose shampoos labeled ' clarifying '. Clarifying shampoos are shampoos for hair-hair that is colored. Its function is to reaffirm the color and eliminate harmful chemical substances left behind when painting hair. Not only were able to eliminate the dangerous chemical substances, clarifying shampoos can also make your hair oil-free.
2. Shampoo Twice
So the excess oil shot up perfect, hair rinse twice and do not immediately rinse shampoo. Give it a light massage into the scalp and wait approximately 30 seconds before rinsing it off. This way gives more foam and can lift the excess oil. Then rinse, and then apply the shampoo again and repeat the steps above. Rinse the hair two times can make the scalp and hair really clean.
3. Shampoo every day, but did not Hit the scalp
If the condition of the oil was too severe, you can wash your hair every day. But the focus on leaching on leaf hair not scalp, as if focused on the scalp, it can make a dry scalp. When dry scalp make hair itches scratch it often so that you become, when the hair is continuing to cause rubbed horny hair oil out.
4. use the conditioner only at the ends of the hair
Avoid give conditioner on the hair. It can make the scalp more oily. Use at the ends of the hair only.
5. wash your hair with Baking Soda
Benefits of baking soda is cleaning up the excess oil on the hair. Not only that, baking soda also keep the pH in the scalp, thus avoiding the hair from dandruff. Baking soda safe to use, because its content is not making the natural oils in the hair is gone. It will make the hair becomes soft and the excess oil on the hair will be raised.
How, mix a cup of baking soda to one quart of water, save it in a bottle and then shake the baking soda mixture before use. When hair is wet, You could apply a mixture of baking soda, and then massage the hair and let sit for 15 minutes.
6. oily hair Solution When Emergencies
When shampooing hair, however, didn't get very drenched, you get styling your hair to cover the hair of excess oil. The trick with scrunchy or braiding the hair. Lucky braids hairstyles, is becoming the trend. Plus, you can look stylish while hair is being problematic.
Another way is to replace the parts of the hair. If you usually divide the hair on the right side, replace parts of the position to the left. With this simple way can reveal sides of the hair more volume and clean.
Not up there, you can wet the shampoo and it gave just the bangs. So the hair oils can be camouflaged with the front part of the hair that is clean.