Already Strict Diet But Weight Is Also Down? This Causes

Already Strict Diet But Weight Is Also Down This Causes
Weight is also down, but felt it was following the diet program correctly? Maybe Your life pattern which is still problematic. Unknowingly, we often do some of the habits that make the body difficult to slim down while reducing the share of eating or exercise routine. Some habits can make weight hard down, and these six cause, as reported by the All Women Stalk.

1. Expect Great Results in Instant
You should target a realistic results in order not to let down and eventually stop the diet program. Don't dream it could drop weight 5 kg in a month if you keep eating fatty foods and high in calories per day. When you stop the diet because it is disappointed with the results obtained, of course, weight loss will not be reduced. Plan a diet program with expert nutrition and fitness instructor. Consult how to a safe and healthy way to have an ideal body weight.

2. do not look at the ' hidden ' Calories in food
Diet to lose weight does sue you to learn a little mathematics. The calories you consume should be less than the calories burned, that is the key to successfully reduce the weight of the body. If you do not also managed to reach the target, it may be because you do not count the calorie consumption and expenditure since the beginning of the diet program. The average woman needs a 1800-2000 calories per day. If you want to lose weight, subtract 500 calories of adequacy.

3. Less or no Physical Activity
Weight loss will not be reduced simply by doing the diet. To get maximum results, you have to combine diet with physical activity on a regular basis. Don't just make a slim, a combination of diet and exercise will make the body healthy and prevent body fat back again.

4. Try a Diet because the trend
Many nutritionists or scientist who created a specific dietary patterns that are often the results are only temporary. The Atkins Diet for example, prohibits pediet consuming carbs and just focus on the high-protein food. This type of diet can indeed lose weight quickly, but till how long you should eat no carbs? Is it forever? However, the body needs carbohydrates to maintain balance in the metabolism and activity of the body. When you return to a normal diet, the body would be returned to the original form. Forget the seasonal diet and follow a healthy diet that includes all the nutrients your body needs a pro rata amount.

5. lack of sleep
The sleep quality, in other words have enough hours of sleep can lose weight more effectively than people who are sleep-deprived. Sleep less than 7-8 hours a day will complicate the body gathering energy for activity, also digest food. A number of studies show, people who experience tired every day, her metabolism will decrease. Metabolism is the process of transforming nutrients and calories into energy your body needs to perform the activity. Low metabolism, the body's ability to burn calories as well.

6. Excessive Salt Consumption
Excessive consumption of salt makes the body accumulate fluid. It can make the stomach area appear to be protruding. Therefore, avoid or reduce foods that contain a lot of salt, like junk food and processed meat. Make it a habit serves food with just a little salt. You can replace it with various ingredients such as herbs to enrich the flavor of dishes. Select also the groceries ' neutral ', such as skinless chicken meat, skim milk, fresh fruits and vegetables.
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