Whichever way you in touch with a man, either SMS, email, chat or phone, it doesn't hurt to know the meaning of the man behind their messages. This is to keep you from we don't hurt ourselves because guessing the intent of men.
1. when he did not reply to a message after you send the message twice, don't call again.
Whether he's in a State of busy or he did not want to reply to, or because he did not have the capacity to respond to the pulse, don't send him another message. The maximum limit you can send him a message before he replied to is 2 times. If he hasn't replied and you hold him, you will only hurt.
2. when he just replied with one word or one letter, maybe he doesn't care.
When he just replied, ' yes ' or even, ' y ', while he did not appear to be as busy as it was to answer briefly, maybe he really is not interested in talking to you. Stop the talks until he is take the initiative to invite you to speak.
3. If she's always got a plan, maybe he's not interested in you
The most subtle way to refuse someone is by giving the reason of the bustle. For example every time you meet him, he's always said that there are other things to do.
4. When she always ask for photos, get rid of him.
When she always ask for your photos, we recommend that you ignore men like this. But you and she does have a photo together. A little suspicious when someone who is not too close to us requesting our personal pictures constantly.
5. He replied to short, you are not Replying again and a few moments later He Returned.
Some guy who meant it would like to reply to your message, will be doing the above. Maybe he was too busy, but she would still like to be able to reply to your message. This type of men appreciate the communication and may You keep.
The explanation above is a general overview which is often the case, but it doesn't hurt to be material information so You stay comfortable communicating with him/her. Good luck, Ladies.
1. when he did not reply to a message after you send the message twice, don't call again.
Whether he's in a State of busy or he did not want to reply to, or because he did not have the capacity to respond to the pulse, don't send him another message. The maximum limit you can send him a message before he replied to is 2 times. If he hasn't replied and you hold him, you will only hurt.
2. when he just replied with one word or one letter, maybe he doesn't care.
When he just replied, ' yes ' or even, ' y ', while he did not appear to be as busy as it was to answer briefly, maybe he really is not interested in talking to you. Stop the talks until he is take the initiative to invite you to speak.
3. If she's always got a plan, maybe he's not interested in you
The most subtle way to refuse someone is by giving the reason of the bustle. For example every time you meet him, he's always said that there are other things to do.
4. When she always ask for photos, get rid of him.
When she always ask for your photos, we recommend that you ignore men like this. But you and she does have a photo together. A little suspicious when someone who is not too close to us requesting our personal pictures constantly.
5. He replied to short, you are not Replying again and a few moments later He Returned.
Some guy who meant it would like to reply to your message, will be doing the above. Maybe he was too busy, but she would still like to be able to reply to your message. This type of men appreciate the communication and may You keep.
The explanation above is a general overview which is often the case, but it doesn't hurt to be material information so You stay comfortable communicating with him/her. Good luck, Ladies.