Can move on from a former lover and is close to the new guy is fun. Starting from a crush - easy like, vent-vent, the closer and eventually going out into a process before getting into the more serious direction.
Heading into a serious dating relationship does require process. Indeed you should not need to be in a hurry to decide to talk about marriage. It is because, before the relationship became very serious, You will go through four stages, as summarized eHow.
1. The Chase
The beginning of a romance for sure with the Chase, either who approached the man or the woman. Everyone must have had experience, in which condition they hesitate going to call or not call estimate, for fear of the unknown has more feelings. Stages of the pursuit of prestige and still be the early part of the fun, since each wonders how the feeling of the estimate are.
2. The Happy Cloud
The happy cloud into early stage you begin to official relationships. At this time each pair of lovers really are in love. You feel he is the best and perfect. You and your lover did nothing wrong, even when you guys find each other behave bad lover are valued.
3. Confronting Reality
After the fun, you will face the real him/her. You start to know him as a person who has a shortage. Neither with you that begin to show attitude and original nature. Your views about the perfection she also faded away and replaced with you find the attitude and the nature of the original he's usually in this stage have already started to show up a variety of romantic problems.
4. Getting Comfortable
Comfortable does not mean your relationship is always fine. Thus the contention and debate that can get you closer to each other. If you've been through happy times and the tough times together and to resolve the issue are healthy, that's when you and your partner feel comfortable with each other. At this stage you really know each other, knowing the good and bad habits and mutual understanding. If you can get through it all with healthy, then your relationships can last a long time and can be toward more serious.
Heading into a serious dating relationship does require process. Indeed you should not need to be in a hurry to decide to talk about marriage. It is because, before the relationship became very serious, You will go through four stages, as summarized eHow.
1. The Chase
The beginning of a romance for sure with the Chase, either who approached the man or the woman. Everyone must have had experience, in which condition they hesitate going to call or not call estimate, for fear of the unknown has more feelings. Stages of the pursuit of prestige and still be the early part of the fun, since each wonders how the feeling of the estimate are.
2. The Happy Cloud
The happy cloud into early stage you begin to official relationships. At this time each pair of lovers really are in love. You feel he is the best and perfect. You and your lover did nothing wrong, even when you guys find each other behave bad lover are valued.
3. Confronting Reality
After the fun, you will face the real him/her. You start to know him as a person who has a shortage. Neither with you that begin to show attitude and original nature. Your views about the perfection she also faded away and replaced with you find the attitude and the nature of the original he's usually in this stage have already started to show up a variety of romantic problems.
4. Getting Comfortable
Comfortable does not mean your relationship is always fine. Thus the contention and debate that can get you closer to each other. If you've been through happy times and the tough times together and to resolve the issue are healthy, that's when you and your partner feel comfortable with each other. At this stage you really know each other, knowing the good and bad habits and mutual understanding. If you can get through it all with healthy, then your relationships can last a long time and can be toward more serious.