How To Convince A Man To Marry

How To Convince A Man To Marry

Although he's been dating for quite a while but sometimes men yet also give the signal to marry you. When you feel life is equally pretty and it's time to formalize the relationship to a more serious stage. How to convince the man to be married to you? Check out the following tips.

1. show maturity
Marriage is a new chapter in life. Marriage is not only desire, but also the views of the preparation yourself. Ask yourself whether you can be a wife? If during this you still are often insecure, unable to resolve the problem properly, still child and not independent, it seems like it's a sign you're not ready to get married.

Although he did not say directly, perhaps a lover see you less potential as a wife. For it before revealing to marry, you should fix it yourself in advance and show Your maturity.

2. do not press it
Don't push Your lover to marry soon. If you are always mencecarnya to immediately marry you, the title and instead he could have just left you. Let him realize that he is going to marry you because he loves you, not because of pressure from you.

3. send a signal light
Start by talking about friends You already and will get married. Talk is a relaxing experience with him/her about your friends who are so fortunate to get someone to spend his life with someone they love. Casual chat she'll think and try to realize a wedding with you.

4. Talk about the future
Talk about a future with him, such as the type of home that fits your personality and he is, the kind of home decoration or talking about investing money. This will make it think about the long term and are increasingly active in seeking money for the preparation of its future.

5. Do nice things without him
Do things that he likes, but you do it not with the he will see you as a person and he will think how far the he and you have matched each other.

6. the right to invite men to marry in advance?
There is no harm in asking when he is going to marry you, but adjust with the times and moods. Raised in a relaxed, if necessary you already rent a table at a restaurant. Ask clearly and dense like ' why don't we get married?, don't you want to marry me? '. If he gives a positive signal, you can file a request that you want applied seriously by him.
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