Tips On Choosing Teas According To Needs Of The Body

Tips On Choosing Teas According To Needs Of The Body
Of the thousands of types of tea in the world, each offering benefits that are useful to the body. Even herbal tea, which is a concoction of roots, flowers, leaves, seeds, or dried fruit, also produces a drink that is able to relieve a variety of medical disorders. Have a problem that often you experience on a daily basis? Try the set with some kind of tea.

If your stomach bloating
Make peppermint tea. Peppermint will relax the muscles that cause stomach cramps, according to Peggy Kotsopoulos, nutrition expert and host of the show Peggy K's Kitchen Cures. Peppermint tea can also help reduce flatulence which causes bloating, and diarrhea.

If you have to wake up in the morning
Select the yerba mate tea. Yerba mate is a South American plant that is then processed into green tea. "This kind of tea has the highest caffeine content among all the tea, even compared with a cup of coffee," says Kotsopoulos. Yerba mate also contains a substance that stimulates the nervous system, thereby increasing alertness and restore energy.

If your throat is inflamed
Liquorice tea (licorice). This sweet root crops are often made spicy candy pelega throat. "Liquorice can relieve the mucous membranes in the throat," he explained. In addition, the liquorice also has potent anti-inflammatory that helps reduce swelling and irritation.

If you want to relax
SIP chamomile tea. To enjoy the chamomile tea, you don't have to pay a visit to the Cafe because the teabag with variants of chamomile is widely available in supermarkets. Own Chamomile contains a chemical compound called chrysin, which works relaxes muscles that are tense. Thus, this tea can help you to sleep naturally. Drink before you leave for 45 minutes of sleep, or anytime you want to cool down.
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