Age factor is not the only cause of hair gray. Stress, hair breakage, and unhealthy diet can affect the health of the hair.
Not infrequently, the woman who is still young, his hair is graying. To prevent it, check out his tips here.
1. Prevent Stress
Stress triggers the onset of gray hair on hair. To prevent stress, calm yourself by doing relaxation like yoga, do fun activities or a warm bath.
2. Stop Smoking
Smoking has been shown to trigger premature aging on hair, including making the hair graying so much faster. By quitting smoking, the blood circulation will be more smoothly which was also influential on the overall health of the hair.
3. reduce certain foods
Caffeine, alcohol, acid and spicy foods can make a dry scalp. When the section of hair and scalp is maintained then it could humidity arising out of white hair.
4. foods containing Copper
Sometimes white hair arise due to lack of copper in the body. You can get the copper from foods such as turnips, beets, spinach, bacon and pineapple, pomegranates and almonds.
5. Eat Contain B12
Foods containing B12 deficiency can trigger the onset of gray hair on hair. For that you have to eat a lot of foods containing B12 such as egg, crab, salmon, fish and liver.