10 actions and properties are badly needed by the child

10 actions and properties are badly needed by the child

Who the hell is, who do not want to have children who are confident, feel loved and treated well? Not only You, know, that have the needs and demands of their obligations. The kids also wanted these 10 things from you, in order to tumbung the maximum company growth.

Listen To
Maybe what he tell me impressed trivial. While the emotional conditions or activities You may be solid so that it does not allow to have time to listen to it. However, try to keep listening to your child. This will make her feel You have an interest in his story and appreciate it.

Praise, even if only for the simple things that he did, will increase confidence himself. Instead, say things indirectly disparaged what he was doing, but it could be his passion. So, don't be stingy praise when he is doing positive things.

Unconditional love
Whatever he did, he needs to be loved without being subject to the condition of the emotions you feel, or other things. Thus, he will feel comfortable communicating with you, even when told that he had made mistakes. Furthermore, you can just tell him how to avoid repeating mistakes.

Try to give it a little responsibility, such as keeping his brother when you wash the dishes. Or, let him do the things it wants, as long as it's positive. Observe how he does it from a distance. This will make her feel is believed capable of doing important things or responsibility.

Have fun
Don't just claim it may continue to perform its obligations as a son. He also has the right to demand its rights as other children, that is fun. Forget your busy life for a moment, delay other activities, and do fun activities with him. Go to the playground, the beach, a swim, or even just cooking together at home can leave a beautiful memory for him.

Ask for an explanation
Accustom a child to apologize when mistakes are indeed good. However, continue on the next step, ask why he apologized. Used to provide an explanation for these things will make a child do not underestimate or just mengobral the word sorry.

When indeed You wrong, tell her honestly and ask for an apology. Do not forget, say that you will fix the error. Thus, the child learns to be responsible when you make a mistake, and know that sometimes parents were wrong.

A second chance
Maybe he did make mistakes that make your emotions peaked, but it's good you give him another chance. So, he tried to improve myself and learn to better later in the day.

Nobody's perfect
Tell him the sentence above. Tell us all, as whatever we are trying to please other people, it is not impossible that there will be people still not satisfied on us. So it is with the others. This is because each person is unique and different. In addition, no one is perfect.

Be Advised
Do not feel the world Apocalypse just because he broke Your favorite ceramic, or spilled food or drink into the carpet. Instead of raging, invite him to clean it up with. Remember, everyone will surely never make mistakes, including you.
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