7 ways to keep Children Healthier & Active

7 ways to keep Children Healthier & Active

In the age of technology what it is today, the kids are spoiled by the presence of gadgets such as the iPad, and other Smarthphones. It resulted in them more often interact with the gadget itself rather than have a healthy outdoor activity. It is important for parents to keep the child so that they are always healthy and active. How do you do? Find out here, as quoted from the Mag for Women.

1. set the time to watch TV & Computer
Specify the time how many hours for little one is allowed to watch TV and play computer. Specify at what your child may use these facilities. Today many children who watch TV all day. This can facilitate their obtaining negative information that could affect the growing flower child. By specifying how long they could watch and play the computer, can keep the liveliness of children so that they have the outdoor activities.

2. don't give them gifts with sugary foods
If you have a custom of giving gifts to your child in the form of sugary foods such as chocolate, ice-cream or junk food, try to stop with these habits. For junk food and sugary foods is another factor that affects the child becomes inactive due to the excessive sugar and fat. It is important for parents to keep their children's food in order to pay attention to always eat a healthy diet like vegetables and fruits.

3. take some time to Play
Take the time to play with the fruit of the heart is a good move to keep the liveliness of the child. They will feel happy if playing with you. Teach them the game of outdoor fun with games not less on gadgets.

4. set the Session's playground
The best way to organize a session playing the little one is to invite children of relatives and colleagues to play with your child. Of course they will play more in this session because many who became co-star. Most kids love this activity.

5. Invite Children Gardening
Bring the fruit to do gardening. You can ask for the little one for watering the plants. Most children love gardening. This activity can keep them active.

6. Accompanying Play outdoors
Most kids love the game. Play ball, balloon of foam SOAP, and a game of hide and seek is a game that they love.

7. Involve Children in Household Tasks
Involve your child in the household tasks such as clearing up the soft toys, could be one of fun activities for those who can make a little one remain active and attentive to hygiene.
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