The vagaries of child who argue or fight of course often make parents take blood. For example, refusing to sleep, don't eat, procrastinate when asked to take a shower, whining because his request to buy something at the mall is not granted, or not prohibited when the climbing tree.
Wining spirit, MSi, psychologist of Studio Creativity Bona Jakarta, said attitudes against parents is usually performed because child temper tantrum. Temper tantrum is the darkening of the anger child that often occurs when the child shows the attitude of rejection. This behavior is followed by the level of crying, rolling on the floor, screaming, throwing objects, hitting, kicking, and others.
According to Wining, as it happens, the parent must demonstrate authority. "Of course not by violence, but by holding the child and ask him to convey his desire to learn it well. Keep in mind, do not grant the request only because of being ashamed to cry or his cries in public, "explained Wining.
But keep in mind, to be able to control the emotions of a child, parents should be able to control their emotions first. You have to give a good example to emulate. Here are some of the recommended attitude Wining on parents in the face of a child against:
1. keep on being calm, don't get provoked emotions. Try to keep people around as well behaved as such, for example, husbands or parents.
2. once the emotions of children decreases, but slowly. Hug closely with loving care so that children feel comfortable and secure. When it's calm, gently ask why she is against.
3. Tell the children how a good attitude and positive. Don't blame him or cornering. One thing to remember, always use language that is soft and smooth. Don't be a twit or a scold with strong language.
4. after the events of the child against the pass, don't remembered-remembered constantly. Children can be embarrassed or upset. "You also do not need to give a gift in the form of goods as a form of appreciation because he does not fight. That is important, give love and a sense of security, "stated Wining.
Parents can actually minimize the emergence of attitudes against the child. Here's How? Learn about the correct habits of the heart. Note When the emotion of the child appears and how to react when his expression. From there can be estimated to the attitude that should be taken.
"If a child is always a fight while being tired or out of play, don't ask him to do something at a time like that. Of course, he'll argue or fight, "said Wining.
But of course not every time a parent can wait for the mood of the child. Therefore, the need to always keep in mind, parents should establish rapport and good communication with the fruit of the heart. Make them feel safe and comfortable. That way, the kids will definitely have more confidence and listen to the Waffle's parents.
Wining spirit, MSi, psychologist of Studio Creativity Bona Jakarta, said attitudes against parents is usually performed because child temper tantrum. Temper tantrum is the darkening of the anger child that often occurs when the child shows the attitude of rejection. This behavior is followed by the level of crying, rolling on the floor, screaming, throwing objects, hitting, kicking, and others.
According to Wining, as it happens, the parent must demonstrate authority. "Of course not by violence, but by holding the child and ask him to convey his desire to learn it well. Keep in mind, do not grant the request only because of being ashamed to cry or his cries in public, "explained Wining.
But keep in mind, to be able to control the emotions of a child, parents should be able to control their emotions first. You have to give a good example to emulate. Here are some of the recommended attitude Wining on parents in the face of a child against:
1. keep on being calm, don't get provoked emotions. Try to keep people around as well behaved as such, for example, husbands or parents.
2. once the emotions of children decreases, but slowly. Hug closely with loving care so that children feel comfortable and secure. When it's calm, gently ask why she is against.
3. Tell the children how a good attitude and positive. Don't blame him or cornering. One thing to remember, always use language that is soft and smooth. Don't be a twit or a scold with strong language.
4. after the events of the child against the pass, don't remembered-remembered constantly. Children can be embarrassed or upset. "You also do not need to give a gift in the form of goods as a form of appreciation because he does not fight. That is important, give love and a sense of security, "stated Wining.
Parents can actually minimize the emergence of attitudes against the child. Here's How? Learn about the correct habits of the heart. Note When the emotion of the child appears and how to react when his expression. From there can be estimated to the attitude that should be taken.
"If a child is always a fight while being tired or out of play, don't ask him to do something at a time like that. Of course, he'll argue or fight, "said Wining.
But of course not every time a parent can wait for the mood of the child. Therefore, the need to always keep in mind, parents should establish rapport and good communication with the fruit of the heart. Make them feel safe and comfortable. That way, the kids will definitely have more confidence and listen to the Waffle's parents.