Dizzy exams getting closer? Many activities that make you stressed? Not to worry, You just have to learn it properly and avoid the consumption of food and drink to keep your body and your brain keep fit.
During the test, you will try to learn as best as possible. In fact, sometimes staying up late into the night to recite or working on problems that will probably come out.
To keep your body and mind remain optimal, try to avoid these things, as reported by the Health of 24.
==> Avoid foods or drinks that are too sweet
If you want to organize a sweet, snacking food in small portions. High sugar content can create a surge in blood sugar, which make you hard in the concentrate.
==> Don't drink too much coffee
Coffee in the afternoon or 4 hours before going to bed will not give any effect. But the difference is the case if you are constantly consuming coffee while studying at night. Hope it can awake all night to recite the entire lesson. Coffee provides a stimulant that makes the body becomes nervous, so that you will be hard to sleep when your brain need rest to digest what you learn.
==> Avoid eating fried foods and junk food
These foods contain saturated fat is high, which cause you to lose the mood to study, drowsiness, and fatigue because the body needs extra oxygen to digest foods high in fat.
==> Don't eat too much
Eating too much will raise your blood sugar. Cause loss of concentration, nervousness and slowed digestive system.