Basic principles of eating for better Health

Basic principles of eating for better Health
The health condition of the body is very influenced by what you eat. Eating healthy food, surely organs would function properly. But if instead, you are consuming foods high in saturated fats, sugar, calories and cholesterol, a variety of diseases will also be approached. Nutrition experts from India, Vaidya Smita Naram, explain what exactly the essence of eating for better health, as quoted from Health Me Up.

1. eat for Better Digestion
When digestion problematic, most food is healthy and nutritious vegetables though will not terolah properly and its benefits cannot be felt body. As a result You will quickly feel tired and lethargic each day. To launch the digestive system, the Vaidya advised to add more spice to the dish. Some kind of spice that are known good for digestion include garlic, ginger, cinnamon and black pepper. Spices also make the stomach more comfortable and not feel bloated or too full after eating.

2. foods that increase the body's Resistance
Replace white rice with brown rice, fresh bread with whole wheat bread and chicken porridge with oatmeal porridge. Eating foods that are made from whole grain rich in fiber will improve the digestive system and strengthen the resilience of the body. Consumption of organic soy beans are also rich in fiber, protein, enzymes and minerals to enhance immune response to various diseases, bacteria and free radical damage.

3. Healthy Bones
Konsumsilah foods high in protein and calcium. If you have lactose intolerance or allergy to milk proteins, you can replace them with other foods such as broccoli, nuts and legumes that are known are also rich in calcium.

4. eat to Prevent Illness
There are a few rules of eating a simple and easy to do to improve your health and away from disease:
-Eat only when you are hungry and when the last food is undigested body perfectly.

-Eat on schedule every day. For example, if you're used to having breakfast at 07.00, lunch 12 noon, snacking in the afternoon at 4 pm and 7 pm tonight, try You've eaten at those hours. It is important to keep the balance and the stability of the body.

-Wait 3-4 hours if you want to eat more. Give it time for the body to digest food before you consume to in-flight digestion does not work too much.

-Try not to eat heavy meals in large portions too. When felt hungry, can eat setangkup sandwich wheat content of eggs, wheat biscuits or green smoothies. Wait two hours after eating to sleep. The body is usually already done digest food that goes to the stomach more comfortable and sleep will be more soundly.

-Eat sparingly, never too much. Point to provide space in the stomach for digestion goes better.

-Eat food that has been cooked as soon as possible because his nutritional still fresh and intact. Avoid eating food that has been more than 24 hours after it is cooked because his nutritional drastically reduced and there is a possibility already polluted bacteria or germs.
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