Never Passed Out The Possibility Of Any Heart Problems

Never passed out the possibility of any heart problems

A person who suddenly collapsed for no apparent reason should be more alert to a heart attack or other cardiovascular disease. Fainting may be early symptoms of heart problems that you will encounter later in the day.

Researchers from Denmark tracked a group of people who never experienced a faint at least once over the past few years and found that about 74 percent of the people who once passed out more likely suffered a heart attack or stroke during her life later.

"The patients, families and physicians should be aware that swallowing syncope or fainting on a healthy-looking person is associated with a higher risk of death. Variety may be the first symptom of heart disease, "said Dr. Martin Ruwald, leader of the research from the University of Rochester Medical Center.

In the study, the researchers followed the health records of about 37,000 people who had fainted, but does not have certain diseases that cause fainting. Research period lasts for about 4.5 years. The researchers then compared the results with medical records of people who had never been knocked out.

Researchers want to know whether people who had fainted, are more likely to die at a young age due to certain diseases and whether people who often have recurrent fainting, can develop cardiovascular problems or not.

Fainting is a temporary loss of consciousness due to decreased blood flow to the brain is suddenly. According to the U.S. National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, fainting is related to a decrease in blood pressure suddenly which leads to a decrease in blood flow in the brain.

Swallowing syncope vasovagal syncope is the most common type and is usually triggered by events such as the emotional disorders, stress, see blood or stand for too long. However, researchers say that the latest findings suggest that unconscious on a healthy person seems to be symptoms of cardiovascular conditions against the first of the underlying.

The researchers also noted that in some people, fainting may not indicate significant health problems. For example, women who are under the age of 20 years that can be blacked out due to low blood pressure.

In the meantime, new research finds relation between unconscious in healthy people with a heart condition in the future, but have not found a causal connection between the two. Results are then published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, as quoted from MedicalDaily.
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