Powerful Recipe Fades Dark Circles Eyes

Powerful Recipe Fades Dark Circles Eyes

A beautiful appearance will be distracted when you have dark circles around the eyes. Therefore, you need to learn how to eliminate it.

Big SAC can ruin your appearance. Therefore you need to find out the cause of the dark circles. After that, there are some things that can be done to restore the color of the skin as before.

Here are some ways to eliminate dark circles under the eyes, was quoted as saying the Real Beauty.


"Cut the potato into two thin slices, and put on the eyes and biarka for about 10 minutes," said a professional makeup artist Shalini Vadhera. Let the sari-Sari percolating in the skin. Potatoes have a skin lightening enzyme called catecholase. Do this treatment twice a week.


If the dark circles appear due to an allergy, consult a doctor, says Dr. Robert Mirsky, an expert eye.

"Allergy Triggers in the air causes the blood gathered under your skin. Plus more by rubbing the eye pain, this will make black under the eyes, "he said. Your doctor will likely prescribe antihistamine eye drops or an allergy.

Eye cream

Vitamin K has long been believed to be the substances that can brighten the color of the skin under the eyes. A recent study in the Journal of Cosmetic Deramatology showed that vitamin K would be more effective if the combine it with a derivative of vitamin A (retinol for example).


Sunlight accumulated can cause dark circles on the eyes. Therefore, protect the skin around the eyes with a sunscreen with a high SPF.
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