The blackhead so one of skin disorders that make women no self confidence. But with a natural herb here, the existence of any blackheads can be eliminated.
Skin beauty is reflected through cleanliness and softness that looks from the owner. Unfortunately, a series of skin problem often rested and beauty become one obstacle. Blackheads, for example a very disturbing appearance of women. Although removed by various ways, many women are frustrated because his presence back to appear.
According to the Times of India, there is an easy way that can help you eliminate blackheads. One of them, using eggs that could make your skin becomes clean and toned. Here's the recipe.
Here's How:
1. take the egg whites, put into a bowl. After that, apply to entire face and neck.
2. give sela a hole on the eyes, nostrils and mouth with tissue paper. Then, place the tissue gently on your face.
3. apply a layer of egg white on the tissue paper. Let it dry out.
4. after everything is dry, remove and wash the face thoroughly. In an instant, the blackheads on your face was eliminated.