Tired in work can lose stamina. But, there are tables of food which makes stamina we recovered. Just about anything?
Stamina which began declining can interfere with performance, even our concentration in performing the activity. By eating the right food intake, it can be resolved. As reported by the Magforwomen, a type of food and drinks here are able to rejuvenate the body.
Fresh fruits
The fruit can help restore the stamina of the body is tired. In addition to the rich in vitamins, fruits contain natural sugars for the body. Consumption of fruit is better when compared to the sugar that is found in tea and coffee. Eating sugar and tea will result in a spike in blood sugar that can trigger insulin, as well as convert carbohydrates into fat.
Milk can increase energy and provide nutrients to the body. Not only that, milk can also provide protein. Moreover if you choose low-fat dairy, because in it there is a low calorie and high in calcium.
Eggs contain antioxidants that can maintain body stamina. Eggs can be boiled or omelette with the use of garlic and onion. Created by whatever means will not alter the content of the nutrients found in eggs.
Same function with eggs, in addition to contain antioxidants, juice can also refresh the body. Consuming one glass of orange juice with a poached egg makes you feel more relaxed and excited. Because orange juice contains carbohydrates and vitamin c. Besides oranges, you can replace them with fruit, pomegranate, blueberry or Apple.
Two tablespoons of peanuts is a good choice for consumption after activities. Peanuts give the protein, fat, and carbs for your body. However, don't be too much eating peanuts.
One bowl of low-fat yogurt provides energy for your body. In addition it contains carbohydrates and protein, yogurt has fibers that help the digestive process in the body.