Diligent Eating Fish Can Reduce Depression In Pregnant Women

Diligent Eating Fish Can Reduce Depression In Pregnant Women

When pregnant, it is important for the mother to eat nutrient-rich foods. Fish, is one of the highly recommended to maintain the health of the fetus.

Nutrition experts explained Prof. Dr. Ahmad Sulaeman, PhD, research in the United Kingdom show, pregnant women and nursing mothers who ate 400 grams of fish per day the fetus will be healthier. It also reduces the risk of developing schizophrenia.

"Pregnant women and nursing mothers also rarely get depressed if diligently eating fish. In addition, if many fish content of DHA in BREAST MILK are higher, "added Prof. Ahmad during a discussion on the sidelines of events Exploring Nutrition Sarihusada, held in the thousand islands

This is because a fish can improve EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). Based on research published in the Archives of General Psychiatry, EPA could cause shortages often depression. Fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids can increase the EPA in the body.

Fish also contains linolenic acid is needed for brain development. Some types of fish that are rich in nutrients-the nutrients include salmon, sardines, mackerel, bloating, COB also anchovies.

Anchovies are less popular for its content of omega 3 of his compare deep sea fish such as salmon or sardines. But according to Prof. Ahmad, a 20 g anchovies sufficient omega-3 needs about 13 percent per day. But the concentration of salts high enough, so it's not often — often consumed.

In addition to fish, other seafood are also good for consumption of pregnant women is blue. Clawed animals is also rich in omega 3 and zinc or zinc. Zinc is necessary for the body's growth.

"If a child in the fetal growth slow less zinc. The body is also less resistance, "says nutrition expert graduates of Human Nutrition at the University of Nebraska Lincoln, United States.

But due to high cholesterol contains blue, should limit consume maximum once a week. Balance with vegetable and fruit consumption increased.
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