Care of Clothing in order to be Durable

 Not only do you only want to appear ' youthful ', you also want to know appear ageless with bright colors and not faded. But often it happens, clothing easy to fade and as a result we so often shopping. It's shopping is fun, but the cost we spend no small amount anyway. And then, what if you have a favorite outfit that turned out to be exposed to other clothes washed, or its color fade and not fresh anymore, sad right?

Care of Clothing in order to be Durable


This time, there is a surefire tips that can overcome it. Your clothes will remain ' ageless ' and at least you can wear in quite a long time.

Problem : the shabby white Shirt

Do this for as long as You avoid wearing white shirt or pants, for fear of a dirty fast and the color is clean again? No longer! This time you can use a white shirt or pants to your heart You care, with a simple, white pants and shirts you will still remain white as new in quite a long time.

Here's How :
  • Separate white clothes from all other clothing when about to be washed
  • Dissolve detergent and bleach clothing in warm water (do not overheat)

Soak white clothes more or less 30 minutes, then wash (by hand or with a washing machine, an important note, do not soak clothes with bleach clothes in the washing machine, the material can make Your washing machine is not durable.)

Dry it in a shaded place, and be exposed to the Sun directly. If necessary, create the roof so that it cannot be exposed to direct sunlight shining in

Problem : Black so gray?
  • This will never happen again to you, if you are running some of the following tips.
  • Black dress is most easily fade, especially if the material is made of a material of choice. But you don't need to worry, this can be overcome.

Here's How :
  • Do not soak too long in the black shirt in detergent alone, soak for about 15 minutes, then wash it with cold water
  • Dry it with an inverted color to it that are exposed to sunlight in advance
  • Similarly, when iron, still let the shirt in an upside-down. And then folded in the correct position

Problem : what about the other colored clothes?
  • Soak the shirt is more or less 30 minutes only, do not overcook. If there are stains, apply detergent on the stain directly and let
  • Wash clothes in cold water, never wash with warm water, especially hot water
  • In order for deodorizer clothes soak in more fresh and fragrant
  • Behind the clothes and dry to dry
  • The same is the case with black clothing, avoid iron the clothes outside, preferably in a section just be ironed. Then fold it neatly and store it in your wardrobe
Avoid washing the shirt is white, black or any other color, so one for each color will affect the other colors.
Tips For You
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