Tips that are implemented when sick children Fever

Tips that are implemented when sick children Fever
 Who's not worried and nervous when found children subjected to high heat? Almost all parents will quickly figure out a way to lower the heat, but it also cannot be done in vain because of the need to know the cause first. Because of the panic, most parents will give febrifuge used to live, or even bring a child into the installation of Emergency to get help as soon as possible. Fever can indeed lead to death or permanent disability, therefore parents will panic if his son had a high fever.

On the contrary, some people even underestimated the fever that occurred in his son. A fever is considered a usual disease will disappear by itself. It is also not wrong because fever is one of the body's reaction when trying to cope with the disease. What is the proper way to handle a fever? Dr. Alanna Levine from the children's Advil (R) had the following practical tips.

Be Prepared

Children are susceptible to colds, provide febrifuge and archiver which can be directly used. It's also important to check the health of the child is routinely checked regularly with the child to the doctor.

Beware of serious symptoms

Immediately take it to the doctor if the child is under the age of three months and her fever reached 37 degrees Celsius or more. For children aged over three months, beware if its body temperature to 40 degrees Celsius or more. Immediately check if the fever was not looked likely to recover for up to three days, or your child shows a drastic decline in body condition.

Note the long drug works

We always know the rules on medication in the morning, noon and night, but some drugs have a long working time even up to 8 hours. Therefore, if the child is on medication and breakfast at 8 in the morning, he would not necessarily have to take drugs again in the middle of the day. Note the instructions on medication on prescription drug bottles and to know the rules of the trough
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