10 habits that ruin the family finance

10 habits that ruin the family finance

Blissful wishes family members sometimes beat needs. Though not able to, the desire was realized by reason of wanting to provide the best for the family. As a result, the desire to appease others, including children, are met but the living owe to meet daily needs.

This condition is often found Prita Hapsari Ghozie, in a few years become a financial planner. In the book entitled Make It Happen!, Prita mention still many who triumph on this honor. Often people make sacrifices for the wrong thing in the interest of the good according to him. A lot of people that put the financial security of families at risk for the sake of making other family members happy.

"We put the desire over need because we think that is the way we show compassion," he said.

Many people put the desire over need because that's the best feeling to show affection. As a result, over the past few decades, too many people have spent money on the right and the ability to give the best for the family.

This habit makes a person then had trouble realizing his dreams. Prita suggests, to realize the dream start the honestly to yourself. Prita has a way to test your honesty.

Make sure you select in accordance with the conditions and customs, with the honest answer "Yes" or "no" on 10 common habit found in the personal or family life and determine your financial condition.

1. I often buy children's clothes are expensive, for fear their minder with her friends who already have first.
2. I helped my brother or sister's life even if it means my own family live off credit card debt.
3. I lend money to friends who are exposed to critical illness, so my family no longer have an emergency fund.
4. credit card bills I am satisfied by the results of shopping for the kids, even though my salary actually is not a credit card limit.
5. My shopping to find pleasure and show a "status" in front of friends and relatives.
6. I just do the minimum payment per credit card bills come.
7. Some times I lend money to my brother, without seeking approval of the partner.
8. I always tell kids not to need to be worrying about their schools until graduation, because I will surely give the best fit their desires.
9. I will sign a credit contract on my behalf to the House of big brother or sister.
10. I often set aside money for emergency purposes, but always spend it.

According to Prita, if you answered "Yes" to six or more of the above statement, then you really haven't been honest and open about how your financial condition to the spouse, children, even a brother.

"I believe, people who like donated away from poverty. However, I also believe that the donated should still be within his ability, because the main duties and responsibilities we are spouses and children, as the nuclear family, "he said.
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