Something that should be prohibited in and tell the couple

something that should be prohibited in and tell the couple

Honesty is the most important thing that should be owned by each partner, especially if already married. But despite being under one roof, not all things can be told to the couple. There are some things that indeed should be discussed, but some other things are better kept alone.

It is important for you to know and make sure when to talk and when it's time to be quiet, because besides being able to maintain your relationship with your partner, keep a few things can also help you to minimize the problems of households. As quoted by Canadian Living, here are 10 things you should and should not be told to my husband.

It can be told to my husband:

1. financial details
Talk about the financial problems it is important in a marriage. You and your partner can discuss about income and goods that can be purchased for the needs of the House. Discussion is important to glue your relationship with spouse.

As it says in his book, Terri Orbuch 5 Simple Steps to Take Your Marriage from Good to Great. "When both partners involved in a discussion for large purchases, each of them will feel part of a team. It is important for the happiness of marriage. "

2. what you like and not While in bed
Might be a bit difficult for you to talk about the sex life of a couple, but it was an important thing to talk about both. Find the right time to say it and make sure it will not hurt him. Keep in mind, that there is always some way to say something.

3. an unpleasant family gatherings
You'll want to always keep your partner's feelings, but if any family gatherings make you uncomfortable, tell him. To say that one of her family there that bothers You. Ask him to pass on some ideas that can help overcome these things, and tell you what to do while in the same conditions at a later date.

4. health issues
Another thing that you need to talk to the pair's health problems. If you have a health problem, the partners will help you find some alternatives and make decisions.

5. the details of the work and social life
In a study, it was found that 98% of the happy couples say that they know each other and understand his partner. Tell me about the work and social life to couples is one of the indicators that make the relationship becomes more intimate.

Things don't have to be told to my husband:

1. negative comments
Your spouse does not need to hear negative comments from family and friends about him. You certainly want your family and friends love your partner and vice versa, is not it? So, keep all that unpleasant comments and be as normal.

2. say things that cannot be changed
Some women like to once his partner look attractive in front of a crowd, one of them by giving criticism. If it is you're doing, stop. Always comment on the hair began to fall out and make him/her look bald, and her height is disputed the attitude is not good. Be open and accepting any flaws that are owned by your spouse.

3. Tell Friends Secrets
If a friend tells you something and asks to keep it a secret, keep a good secret, including to my husband. You are not obligated to share the secrets of others with a partner, especially when recounted his personal experience.

4. negative feelings about her family
You may not like her, but we recommend that you save any negative comments about them for yourself. If you have problems with one of his family members, ask for some suggestions to fix the issue. But, don't be too excessive. Avoid expressing negative feelings that are redundant to the spouses.

5. Love Someone
It doesn't matter if You admire someone, but you don't have to tell couples, especially when he knows that person. Not only would make her jealous, says that there is someone who has made You interested will also jeopardize your relationship and your partner. Furthermore it could be that it is the feeling of a moment.
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