But, here's the kicker, anyway that on the sidelines of life our modern, actually we're not separated from the mothers ' legacy '? Not the least role of our native culture which helps a lot for our survival. Here are a few examples that will Vemale auto summary for you.
1. Traditional or Local Market
Commonly referred to as the traditional market. More affordable, more could bid prices with flexible, more fresh and lots of options. For the majority of people would never have brought the capital to a market. Don't be surprised if your MOM is more traditional than markets recommend supermarket. Although solid, boisterous and messy, but more traditional markets are still the choice of many wise housewives to shop.
In addition to the traditional market, You can also try to shop in a vegetable market or in the morning when there is around the House. Usually a vegetable market in the morning and have the merchandise with the quality and the price is not much different from traditional markets.
2. Fashion of antiquity
Your mother might still save some clothes and shoes while courting days. When clothes are not enough anymore, you can use it. The fashion world is spinning again this time even the middle was keen to emphasise the blazer model 70-80 's, oversize shirts, blouses and pants flowers and mother's day we can still be used.
3. prescription medicine and Traditional herbal medicine
The medical world has indeed increasingly sophisticated, but it hurts a little bit not that should see a doctor right? You can use any spices such as ginger, turmeric, cloves or honey to maintain body condition. The ingredients are easy to obtain, as it is cheaper than having to frequently-often to the doctor just because it's cold.
4. Traditional Cuisine Recipes
Well, who loves to cook? Nowadays many people fine-tune seasonings with how to use the blender. Maybe it used to be our mothers taught to smooth marinade with crushed or diuleg using a pestle. Although the goal was equally smooth, but for some dishes it will effect. For example smoothing peanuts in the traditional way, it would be more textured than with the blender. Or use an instant marinade will also be different densities, it was with homemade condiments prepared with traditional tools.
The mother is indeed an inspiration for us to live with a supple and cultured. There is no harm in keeping the legacy of our mothers orally to our family in the future. It could be, this small action is a form of preservation of traditional values that are nearly extinct.