High office is not important to women?

High office is not important to women
More and more women occupying the highest position in a company, although the number is still far below the men. However, it turns out millions of women would say "no" if offered to high position in the company. According to a recent study, women turned out to be not too keen on the position of the top executives in the company.

The research was held by the Institute for Public Relations Zeno Group, found that only 15 percent of women ages 21-35 years old who have a desire to lead an organization or company. The Reason?

They want to avoid personal sacrifice that they encounter on their leadership. As much as 90 percent of women surveyed believe, with a high position they are forced to sacrifice is greater than in men with the same level of the position.

These findings also show, young women aware of the stress they feel when a leader, because they have to grapple holds ambitions to go top while keeping the harmony of the family. Rather than struggling to reach the peak of his career, many young women who choose to withdraw from that opportunity.

This option does not mean the young women now have no ambition, or is not excited about the work that they do. As he had been presented with the results of a survey of The Washington Post and Pew Research Center, "the current generation has been widely read and acknowledge his hard work life for women at the age of 20 to 30 years. They instead are not ambitious; the current generation is very ambitious, optimistic, and have a desire to have a good life than previous generations of their mother. "

Improved technology and a desire to work more flexible is the reason why women are now looking at positive about their work and career plans for the future. Women may now be easier to get a high job position, but they prefer to do the work they want without having to be in a high position who do not comply with their wishes.

Barby Siegel, CEO of the Zeno Group, says the workplace or company now to start changing "coercion" against women.

"We have to think back to how to help women in the company in order to develop their careers and consider about their wishes on what her career," said Siegel. "Forcing a woman to occupy the position that they did not like, would only jeopardize the career and the fate of your company."

What we see from this research is the cultural shift, evidence that women (and some men) are not willing to sacrifice their personal lives and happiness only for certain positions in companies that are at risk of causing stress and lost time--time with family.

"There is no such thing as a balance between work and private life. There is only a priority, "comments the author Nell Minow.
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