Tips To Eliminate Acne Without The Cost

Tips To Eliminate Acne Without The Cost
 One of the things that could make the ladies enjoy languishing at home is when the appearance of acne. Even though it seems trivial, but acne on the face can become a big problem for someone.

Fortunately, there are always ways to fight acne, or that by doing a facial treatment intensive, taking medication, and Downing herbal medicine-meal.

However, if you are reluctant to spend a lot of money just to deal with the problem of acne, then you can cure it in a natural way without drugs.

Where it came from Acne?

Now we need to know in advance the cause why Acne can occur. The explanation, acne appears due to excess before production under the layers of skin. Sebum is contaminated (liquid) oily sebaceous glands which consists of fats and peeling the outer layer of the skin. The advantages of this is that later led to the emergence of ' bump-bump ' small later named acne.


The key would have been the first acne-free is to maintain the health and hygiene of the skin. This can be done diligently wash or clean the face 2 times a day. It is very important to maintain the cleanliness of the skin, but do not clean too often anyway, because this can increase the production of sebum.

Because the texture of the facial skin that is thin, then avoid using abrasive sponges, which can make the texture of the facial skin damage or acne breaks out. In addition, never deliberately massaging or ' popping ' acne. The more you tamper with the acne that arise, then the sebum under the layers of the skin will be more spread out. [break]


One of the easiest ways to combat and prevent the onset of pimples is to drink plenty of water. 8 glasses a day could help to keep skin moist and fresh. And, the condition of enough water in this kind of skin that reflects that the skin in a healthy condition, because water acts as a natural Detox can help removing impurities from the body. The more healthy skin, the less/sparsely also acne appears.

Food and acne

Often food can also cause the onset of acne. Fatty foods, greasy, spicy, chocolate, and containing dairy products could trigger the emergence of acne. So, as much as possible to avoid the sort of food.

If there are foods that can cause acne, then on the contrary there are also foods that can help prevent the onset of acne, namely green vegetables, vegetable juices, and foods rich in zinc.

Exercise and acne

Since sweating is claimed can exacerbate the symptoms of acne, it is highly recommended for someone to avoid heavy exercise during his breakouts.

For those of you who are relatively easy to breakouts, then you should try this kind of sports which are not issued too much sweat. Choose the level of sport that mediocre! Sports that are not too heavy it could promote blood circulation and expel toxins out of the body so symptoms of the onset of acne so reduced. You can do light jogging, gymnastics, to walk away.

The effects of stress

The other thing that is not less important that free acne is stress-free. Stress causes in the body system gets a negative signal. Therefore, try to be always calm and relaxed. Massage or yoga exercises can help the body to remain relaxed.

No one was friendly with acne. Fortunately this can be prevented and resolved in an easy way. Keeping the skin clean, proper nutrition, sufficient exercise, and stress-free, it's the key!
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