Before going to bed to avoid 10 foods is because risk

Before going to bed to avoid 10 foods is because risk
Feel hungry before bed time sometimes makes a lot of women's dilemma. The hunger will certainly disrupt sleep quality, thereby affecting the activities you will undertake the following day.

One way to deal with it is to reduce or avoid foods that are believed to be not good if consumed before going to bed. as quoted from all womans talk, here's a list of such foods.

1. Coffee

Avoid consuming coffee. The content of caffeine is a stimulant that keeps you awake and are diuretic, making the bladder become more frequent recreation, so disturbed the sleep quality.

2. Brown

Brown is also included into the list of prohibited food consumed before going to bed, even dark chocolate though. These foods are rich in antioxidants that are good for the body, but also contain caffeine and sugar that make you hard to sleep.

3. Cheese

Cheese is a food should not be consumed before going to bed, particularly for people with heartburn. The cheeses are harder to digest than other foods, making your digestion working harder than it should be.

4. spicy foods

The spicy Aroma of the patisseries you to want more, but you know that spicy food is no good consumed before sleep? The heartburn caused by spicy foods will be very disturbing your rest period

5. cakes, Biscuits, ice cream

The sugar contained in the munchies will make the body like getting new energy, so you'll be hard to reason. If you want to eat the sweet eat, with fresh fruits that contain natural sweeteners.

6. Hamburger

Hamburger filled with saturated oil is extremely heavy for your digestion in night day. Food could be guaranteed this one will get heartburn when consumed before sleep. Replace it with foods that do not contain a lot less fat.

7. Alcohol

It is true that drinking alcohol can cause drowsiness, but did you know after a few hours of alcohol into the blood sibawaih will cause the effects of stimulants. You'll wake up and it's hard to go back to sleep.

8. nuts

Beans are a source of protein and fiber is good for the body, but never more delicious before going to bed. They will make your body accumulating gas.

9. Soda

Even diet sodas also contain fructose corn syrup with sugar levels are high. Never eating before going to bed. Not just fructose alone, soda contains a lot of caffeine that makes the body as fit to return.

10. French fries

The Aroma of French fries have always been tempting to eaten, but avoid taking it before bedtime. The oil contained in the chips will cause acne and, of course, making your body weight increases.
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