7 Tips To Detox Naturally Ageless Skin

7 Tips To Detox Naturally Ageless SkinLong hours and an active lifestyle can give the effect of bad for health if you less clever maintaining healthy body. In addition to interfere with the body's health, also negatively impact skin beauty.

As a result, the skin of your face and you are experiencing premature aging as brownish spots, fine lines and wrinkles. But you can prevent it and get glowing and healthy skin with the right Detox. These seven tips to naturally Detox the skin youthful, as quoted from iDiva.

1. Exercise Regularly
No one can beat the benefits of cardio exercise in terms of removing a lot of sweat, increase blood circulation, and makes the face glow. You can do it for 30 to 60 minutes a day so not too time-consuming. Cardio sports, among others, jump rope, running, jogging, swimming and dancing.

2. skin care Rituals
Your skin can look younger if treated the way clean, invigorating, and moisturize regularly. In addition, use a cream also can prevent wrinkles and fine lines that result more optimal.

3. consumption of Vegetables
According to Naini Setalvad, nutrition expert foods rich in vitamin A such as spinach, carrots, pumpkin, and you have to include in daily menu because it is good for eyesight and help clear the acne on my face. In addition, vitamin A can also prevent the production of the cells on the outside of the skin in excess that can clog pores and can reduce the development of skin cancer.

4. Expand the consumption of Vitamin C
In addition to helping the process of healing in a natural, vitamin C is also rich in fiber and folate, which helps prevent anemia as well as help your skin cell regeneration process. Vitamin C can be found in fruits such as guava, oranges, and lemons.

5. drink plenty of Water
Water is a staple of life in being able to fullfill the needs of body fluids and help removing toxins from the body. To live a more healthy, drink a glass of water mixed with lemon juice, which functions as an antioxidant. In addition, do not forget to always drink 8-10 glasses of water per day.

6. Expand the consumption of Vitamin E
Source of vitamin E, such as almonds, coconuts, and corn can serve as anti oxidants in the body that keep skin cells from UV rays. In addition, vitamin E also plays a role as the protector of the skin of the other environmental factors that produce free radicals that damage skin cells.

7. the pattern of healthy eating
According to Setalvad, a pattern of healthy eating is the key of the skin that looks younger. Here's a good menu as healthy eating pattern:
  • Morning   : a glass of water with room temperature lemon juice added.
  • Breakfast  : foods containing wheat.
  • Afternoon : fruit or Vegetable Juice.
  • Lunch       : bread or rice, vegetables, and a bowl of sprouts.
  • Afternoon Snack: handful of nuts such as walnuts, almonds or pistachios.
  • Dinner      : red rice or Bread, salads, fish, and raisins as a dessert.

Tips For You
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