Though the armpit is hidden, but nonetheless annoying appearance when dark armpits. Moreover, if you want to use the shirt without sleeves. You so there's confidently raised his hand.
Dove depicts the Beauty of Understanding survey conducted in Indonesia in 2011, revealed 47 per cent of women are not confident with the color and texture of the skin of the armpit. The other fact is that 80 percent of women think twice to lift the hand, because it embarrassed by the appearance of their armpit.
Causes of underarm skin change colour is due to a few things. As wrong in the process of shaving the underarms, overwrite it dead skin cells or the use of deodorant products. Here's how to turn dark underarm skin fades.
1. Waxing
In removing underarm hair, choose a method of waxing over shaving (shaving). Removal of underarm hair more maximum with the method of waxing. Waxing as well as eliminate the dead skin around the armpits, so the skin can be more bright.
2. Lemon
Lemon is famous as a natural ingredient that can remove stains, including dark stains in the armpits. Before bathing, rub the lemon or lime juice on your armpits. Don't immediately rinsed, let stand 10 minutes. To keep the skin bright armpit faster, do these treatments every day.
3. Wear Sunblock
Sunblock can also be used to protect the armpits from sunlight. Although the armpit is in the inside, it's not that are not exposed to sunlight. Moreover, when you wear a dress without sleeves, use a sunblock containing SPF is very necessary.
4. Lightening Cream
Some people who have dark skin under armpits because dead layers of skin or skin pigmentation. If Your skin pigmentation problems, you can try applying lotions or creams containing hydroquinone. These materials serve to inhibit the formation of melanin (skin pigment substance) that could be enlightening. However, if you are not getting the desired results, you can go to the doctor to do the exfoliation on the skin of the armpit.
5. replace Deodorant
"Most deodorants containing aluminum salt or salt aluminum which serves as antisperspirant, deodorizing and absorbing sweat. But there are side effects that skin becomes blackened and clothes became hard and yellow, because its function is to dry, so the anesthetic to the skin and clothing, "said Dr. Tina Wardhani, SpKK, while The Best Woman is found in The Body Shop. For that you have to be careful in choosing a deodorant, try mineral, organic or products containing natural ingredients that could brighten the skin such as vitamin E and F.
Dove depicts the Beauty of Understanding survey conducted in Indonesia in 2011, revealed 47 per cent of women are not confident with the color and texture of the skin of the armpit. The other fact is that 80 percent of women think twice to lift the hand, because it embarrassed by the appearance of their armpit.
Causes of underarm skin change colour is due to a few things. As wrong in the process of shaving the underarms, overwrite it dead skin cells or the use of deodorant products. Here's how to turn dark underarm skin fades.
1. Waxing
In removing underarm hair, choose a method of waxing over shaving (shaving). Removal of underarm hair more maximum with the method of waxing. Waxing as well as eliminate the dead skin around the armpits, so the skin can be more bright.
2. Lemon
Lemon is famous as a natural ingredient that can remove stains, including dark stains in the armpits. Before bathing, rub the lemon or lime juice on your armpits. Don't immediately rinsed, let stand 10 minutes. To keep the skin bright armpit faster, do these treatments every day.
3. Wear Sunblock
Sunblock can also be used to protect the armpits from sunlight. Although the armpit is in the inside, it's not that are not exposed to sunlight. Moreover, when you wear a dress without sleeves, use a sunblock containing SPF is very necessary.
4. Lightening Cream
Some people who have dark skin under armpits because dead layers of skin or skin pigmentation. If Your skin pigmentation problems, you can try applying lotions or creams containing hydroquinone. These materials serve to inhibit the formation of melanin (skin pigment substance) that could be enlightening. However, if you are not getting the desired results, you can go to the doctor to do the exfoliation on the skin of the armpit.
5. replace Deodorant
"Most deodorants containing aluminum salt or salt aluminum which serves as antisperspirant, deodorizing and absorbing sweat. But there are side effects that skin becomes blackened and clothes became hard and yellow, because its function is to dry, so the anesthetic to the skin and clothing, "said Dr. Tina Wardhani, SpKK, while The Best Woman is found in The Body Shop. For that you have to be careful in choosing a deodorant, try mineral, organic or products containing natural ingredients that could brighten the skin such as vitamin E and F.