Identify 10 health disorders in toddlers

Identify 10 health disorders in toddlers

Most parents would never find some symptoms and disorders experienced by the fruit of their hearts. This disorder begins precisely since the age of 6 months and more frequently occurs at the age of toddlers. But over an age, the disorder is improving gradually after the age of 5 years. The term "normal" was made because during these various disorders is considered normal by the parents and some physicians. But in point of fact abnormal as most other children did not experience.

The disorder is hard packed, endurance of the body decreases, sleep disorders, children could not be silent, and a variety of other disorders. Due to the increase in the age of the case, the disorder is often considered normal. It is true, after the age of 5-7 years is improved, but as long as that child will experience a variety of disorders that are particularly troublesome sometimes dangerous enough.

We often hear from parents or even most doctors that all hereditary disorders are common. This can be seen when a child is hard packed, unusual silence, disturbed sleep in the night. But it is when some say normal, is not wrong because it usually happens is a functional disorder of the body that will be improved with the increase of age.

The light is often underestimated and normal and will improve on its own. Whereas, when the mind is why the intervention can be done and can be prevented at least can be minimized. According to a variety of research and clinical experience are observed from 546 patients in outpatient Children Allergy Clinic Jakarta, apparently a variety of disorders can be minimized or prevented prior to the age of 5-7 years. It turns out the various disorders often associated with immaturity or digested imaturitas channels function channels digested.

This functional disorders often occur in people with hypersensitive allergies and food. When done, food provocation elimination intervention turns out a variety of disorders can diminish even parts can be improved very drastically. The various disorders have some variation. On a certain group of the disorder occur in age from birth to age 5-7 years. But on the other there are that arise precisely after the age of 5-7 years. This suggests that allergy march or journey naturally hypersensitive allergy and indigestion channels differ in any group and annually.

Here are 10 of the disorder:

1. difficulty eating. Difficulty eating is not a diagnosis or disease, but a symptom or sign of any deviations, abnormalities and diseases that are going on in your child's body. Understanding the difficulty of eating is if the child is unwilling or refuse to eat, or have difficulty consuming food or drink with the type and number of corresponding age physiologically (natural and unnatural), i.e. starting from opening his mouth without coercion, chewing, swallowing up to digestion well absorbed without coercion and without provision of vitamins and certain medications. Symptoms of trouble eating in children (1). Difficulty chewing, sucking, or swallowing food can only bland foods or liquid, (2) Casts or spurts-spout
food that has been entered in the mouths of children, (3).Packed linger and play food, (4) absolutely does not want to put the food into the mouth or mouth closed meetings, (5) Spewing or spilling food, shook off bribe from parents, (6). Don't like a lot of variety of food and (7), eating habits are strange and odd.

2. Impaired weight Increment. Impaired growth or often called failed to grow or failure to thrive is not a diagnosis, but it is the terminology that is used to declare a specific problem. The term fails to grow used to describe a child who is not able to grow according to expectations. Failure to grow or more specifically is a failure getting gaining weight even though in certain cases also accompanied disturbance of linear growth and head circumference than other children in the same age bracket or sex. In General, failed to grow in the mean increment of body weight and body height according to the table below 3-5 percentile or 2nd down the growth rate in the 85th, for example, the growth of which was originally 75 percentile to 25 percentile. Growth disorders in general are strongly influenced by the quality and the amount of caloric intake in children. The quality and amount of calories depends on several things including the input of calories which is not adequate, absorption (absorption) is not adequate and calorie needs are increasing.

3. sleep disorders. Many parents complain his son often hard to sleep at night or sleep disorders. It is common since the baby up to the age of 5 years. It often complain about to the doctor but it is currently rarely can be explained well why it happened. Causes of sleep disorders are numerous and varied. Sleep disorders often residing in the
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