Kids always observe the lives of the parents marriage

Kids always observe the lives of the parents marriage

It is not easy to educate children to become the perfect child both in nature and behavior. You can read all kinds of books on parenting, but without a solid foundation You will not be able to educate appropriately in terms of parenting as well as emotionally.

However, as powerful as anything the pattern of Your parenting if not supported the attitude and behavior of you and your partner then this will not be of any use. Did you know that children can also learn the important things of life of your wedding, including your everyday attitudes and behavior toward spouses? The behavior of you and your husband will become role models, as well as the message to be communicated effectively to the non-verbal child. Parental attitudes and behavior will have a big effect for emotional stability, happiness, and success in the future.

Married life with a positive and happy parents, children can learn a variety of things, among others.

1. learn to forgive
Bringing together two distinct personality is not easy, it's no wonder if disagreements often occur. However, this will not be a big deal if both parties are willing to realised the error and forgive each other. With work addressing the problems encountered and deepen understanding of each other, you could give an example on the little one to resolve conflict without punishing each other, but looking for a better way out and pardon.

2. Discipline
The kids find it easier to learn about discipline and independently by making you as panutannya. If you do not indulge and always depends on the husband in doing various activities, then the child will imitate it. Discipline can be trained when the child sees you and your partner get up early and start normal activities without complaining.

3. rules of Wisdom, not emotion
As a parent You definitely could not give precedence to your own desire. However, the way you always to be responsible and giving priority to the interests of families indirectly will be seen and remembered by children. Your ability to control your emotions will give a strong message to the children that they should not be giving priority to emotions.

4. support each other
Are you and your partner should support each other. The power of love and mutual support for each other will make a big difference in life to reach a destination wedding. For example, when you accept the challenge in the job, my husband always support so that you do not easily give up. Any child will record this in memory, and will remember it until he was an adult.

5. Openness
When married, should have been no secrets to hide. Open mutually to each other as a couple will give rise to feelings of love and trust each other. Warm hearts and loving towards the pair will teach on a good way to look at life with full honesty and trust.

6. unconditional love
In marriage, it is very important to show love at couples. In addition to strengthening the feeling of love, it also helps the child to be honest on his feelings, and learn to express your love in a positive way. In addition, the child will also learn to love others with a sincere just as her parents who love each other unconditionally.
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