1. sure of yourself and your opinions
First you have to have this. When you start the day with doubts and sense of down, you'll feel less with your appearance. Believe that you are the most understand how it should be performed in accordance with Your personal.
2. a white shirt
For Carrolina Herrera, a white shirt could be an emergency blanket. Investment is a white shirt with a wide variety of models will be helpful for you, because this type of shirt will be easily combined with any outfit and in any situation.
3. the color of the lips
As a mature woman, Carrolina Herrera chose a red plums to his lips. Thus, his appearance will be more alive even though the simple and natural style.
4. Belt
Belt or the belt will give a beautiful touch on your clothes. Choose a belt with a captivating design and basic colors such as Brown, maroon, black and white.
5. Accessories
Instead of the money to buy luxury. You can still be elegant to add other accessories such as shoes, gray scarf and bag a favorite with a regular price but an extraordinary model, will always make You look elegant.
Carolina Herrera has the appearance of a typical simple but always gracious. Whereas the work clothes are amazing and are always awesome. So elegant and pretty as to appear like Carolina Herrera, unnecessary complication "and spend a lot of money. Hopefully useful Yes, Ladies.