Be Careful With These Habits Can Make Damaged Skin

Be careful with these habits can make damaged skin

Skin smooth and shining every woman wants. However, lifestyle and improper habits can lead to skin damage.

From the use of excessive makeup to skin health products, there are some things that you don't realize could damage the health of facial skin. For more information, the basic issue should know some of the following fatal error in order to avoid damage to your skin.

Smoking Area

It's one of the biggest crime to the skin. Smoking not only reduces blood flow in the skin, but also make you susceptible to exposure to toxins that attack the skin and blood. This custom also creates skin wrinkles and dull skin.

Hot spring bath

Of course, all people ever do this. Despite a warm bath causes you to relax but this habit can lead to damaged skin. A very delicate facial skin will be damaged due to exposure to hot water to make the capillaries can be weakened. Consequently the skin becomes reddish and dry. Therefore, do not flush hot water on the skin of your face and better choose cold water while bathing.

Drinking alcohol

This is very dangerous. Research shows that the risk of a woman affected by breast cancer increased by around six percent due to drinking alcohol every day. Overall, cancer deaths reach 5,000 women every year are attributed to alcohol. Other than medical reasons, all too often drinking alcohol can cause adverse effect on the skin. Drink alcohol can make the skin so dull and dry. Consuming alcohol also makes small blood vessels called capillaries can be enlarged so that it can create permanent damage.

Passing a constant chatter telephone

Believe it or not, but when you often chatted by telephone it can harm the skin. A study shows, long periods of time that you are doing at the moment call can cause acne on the skin as a result of the telephone receiver. This is because the heat and friction resulting from the telephone can damage the skin, one of which led to the emergence of acne.
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