Mental health between work that is hated and an unemployment

Mental health between work that is hated and an unemployment

Guess perceived vacuum to work, even hate it for various reasons, slowly poisoning yourself and be bad for mental health.

There are many causes why an employee of hated his work, ranging from the question of wages is deemed not feasible, the employer arbitrarily, the succession is unclear, because the Office atmosphere until stiff.

Discomfort in working even the emotional impact on similar people who did not have a job.

Researchers from the Australian National University do a comparison of mental health among the unemployed with the people hate his work. It turns out the mental health of both groups was the same.

"Our Analysis showed no differences in mental health disorders, such as anxiety and depression, among the people who are unemployed and those with low work satisfaction," said Peter Butterworth, Chief researcher.

In other words, the two groups of respondents in the study were equally experienced mild to moderate mental disorders, compared to those who work more rewarding.

Previous research suggests, people who are unhappy with his works have high blood pressure, even when they're not working. Other research mentions, even people who are his career difficult uphill more at risk of heart disease.

"If we had had to work hard but the rewards are earned not worth this will increase stress and the risk of heart disease," he said.
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