Sign of the father Support to breastfeeding mothers

Sign of the father Support to breastfeeding mothers

Good intentions to provide support to breastfeeding mothers is not enough without showing attitude in a way exactly according to your needs. Could just support that thought was enough for father, it turned out not to fit the needs of the mother.

Understand that the needs of every nursing mother can be different, the online community Father BREAST MILK Jakarta, communicating via Twitter with the men paced palpable, to provide the best support.

Social Media is becoming the way of the fathers to share information and knowledge about the nursing mothers. With hope, a certain amount of information has a conformity with his needs at home. Because it could be, there are other couples who are having the same problem it seems, and he received enlightenment from the rotation information through social networking.

Fauzi Lesmana, the father of two children, one of the online community administrator Father BREAST MILK Jakarta, said each family has a unique problem and different one another. He thinks every nursing mothers have needs that are not always the same. By searching for the proper information to suit your needs, will provide solutions for couples to provide the best nutrients for fruit of the heart.

A wide range of information was flowing in the online community that father BREAST MILK Jakarta. And every father can distill also selects which information it needs. From a variety of information, the community Father ASI Jakarta assess information about myths facts about BREAST MILK became the hottest topic of conversation. In addition to knowledge about BREAST MILK to newborn babies, including the issue of BREAST MILK has not come out pascabersalin.

However, the most popular topics are not the only measure. The form of support for breastfeeding Moms against dads not only share information with each other, but also invite the father to show the attitude of care over personal awareness.

Support the father and it is hoped could inspire ultimately was more diverse. Beristrikan a housewife, Fossett realized that despite his wife's job to stay at home and without a definite working hours, than working moms.

"So that my wife could take a break from housework that no deadlines, whenever the Home Office, the task of nurturing my child take over," explained Hughes.

Apparently, such an attitude is not only experienced Fauzi. The Division of tasks to support parenting, nursing mothers in order to have more time off, to the attention of the members of this online community's father. Gamma Quieto, one Twitter account manager Father ASI mengamini Jakarta. The Division of tasks is an important issue that needs to be disseminated among the fathers.

Moreover, Gamma beristrikan women's work. Not easy for Working Moms to breastfeed divides his time, parenting a baby, complete Office work, and returned to the House with batch task in carrying out his role as a parent. Taking over the role of parenting, a form of support that also do Gamma against his wife.

Many ways Dad can do in support of nursing mothers. Fauzi exemplifies, provide soothing when the mother woke up middle of the night to nurse can be a form of support and attention. Wake up night accompanying nursing mothers become forms of support required for the father's breast milk.

"Bedtime is interrupted but happy," explained Hughes.

Appreciation of his wife when found BREAST MILK dairy cows does not meet expectations (there's not much BREAST MILK that successfully milked), as well as other forms of support to be able to do Daddy breast milk. How, give a positive response to the nursing mother when results of dairy MILK does not meet expectations.

Gamma added, another form of attention could also be given the father's BREAST MILK was giving me time in nursing mothers.

"Breastfeeding Moms also need time to indulge himself, have fun, enjoy me time as the way to rest. Understand that nursing mothers need some me time, and gives her the opportunity to have fun, as well as being a form of support, "he said.

Whatever the needs of breastfeeding mothers, if consciousness emerges from inside the father BREAST MILK plus sharp against the mother's condition, will result in appropriate forms of support. Gradually, trained more empathy, and father of BREAST MILK is able to provide better support to breastfeeding mothers.

What about you and your husband? What kind of support given your husband, when you're breastfeeding and its impact on yourself, as well as paired relationship?
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