Smoking in the car is more dangerous

Smoking in the car is more dangerous

Spend ten minutes with smokers in the car turns out to pose a threat as serious in children. The reason, exposure to cigarette smoke in the vehicle can provide pollution 30 percent higher for children. Even opening the window glass was not able to reduce its impact.

Researchers in the United States to measure the quality of the air inside the vehicle is not running after previously filled with cigarette smoke for one hour. The measurements were carried out in the back seat of a vehicle with a capacity for breath of the child. The first measurement with the front window is opened completely and the second with the window that opened only about four inches.

Researchers also measured the level of air pollution on the outside of the car. The types of pollutants measured at the inside and outside of the car caused either from cigarette smoke and cars, including particulate matter, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (HAP), carbon monoxide and nicotine. The study noted, exposure to HAP, in particular, is associated with immune system problems, breathing, change of IQ and allergies.

The test results showed pollution levels in a car with both opening settings window, three times higher than those measured on the outside of the car. These results are based on a study published in Tobacco Control. According to the journal, the level of pollution in the car is even higher than that measured in the restaurant or bar.

"Children are more vulnerable than adults, and plus they are passive smokers in the vehicle," wrote Dr. Amanda Northcross, from the University of California at Berkeley.

The results of this research it was concluded to prevent children who are exposed to cigarette smoke in the car.
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