7 Snacks that are perfect for Busy Moms

7 Snacks that are perfect for Busy Moms
You women who are busy with Office work and housework, so that didn't get enough nutritional needs? The solution, frequently snacking. Rather than invite you to add calories and weight with snacks contain salt, fat and sugar. But healthy, nutritious snacks are definitely ' safe ' to maintain ideal body weight. Just about anything? He's seven healthy snacks for busy women and mothers, as quoted from the All Women Stalk.

1. mix Nuts & dried fruit

Make your own healthy snack consisting of various nuts such as almonds, walnuts, cashews, peanuts and a variety of dried fruit such as Apple, cranberry, Orange, pineapple and raisins. Nuts contain healthy fats that can lower cholesterol, while the fruits have fibers that make the stomach feel full.

2. Cereals

The usual cereals consumed with milk for breakfast, you can also make healthy snacks. Cereals contain a variety of essential nutrients such as folic acid, vitamins and minerals. Select whole wheat cereal of which are rich in fiber and low in sugar. Consumption in case of dry snacking urge you come.

3. Brown

Select the type of dark chocolate that is low in sugar and does not contain additional milk. In addition to low in calories and can make the belly full, dark chocolate is also good for heart health. It's just that, consumption limit of no more than 1 stick-sized Brown 50 grams a day.

4. pieces of Fresh fruit and vegetables

Please allocate to package a variety of fruit and vegetable pieces as a snack on the road or in the Office. You can include cherry tomatoes, carrots, peppers, cucumbers, grapes, strawberries, melons and papaya. More colorful, fiber, minerals and vitamins you get also more and more. Help you feel more energized and satiated without having to be overweight.

5. Yoghurt

Yogurt is rich in protein, calcium and vitamins. Several kinds of yogurt even contains probiotics that are digestives. Select the type of plain yogurt with no added fat and sugar. Yoghurt with no sense will probably feel a bit bland, so you could add 2 tablespoons honey or fresh fruit. Consumption at least one cup of yogurt per day.

6. Edamame

Edamame soy beans are a type of large seed-bearing Japan and green. Soy beans contain a variety of nutrients that are healthy for the body. A half cup of edamame is already able to fullfill the needs of fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals a day. You can eat it raw or boiled (but don't boil too long).

7. juice/Smoothie

Snacks can not only chewed, but also drink. A glass of pure fruit juice or a smoothie, is the most practical way to meet Your nutritional needs per day, plus, the glut. But make sure the juice made from 100% real fruit without milk or sugar. For a smoothie, combine fruit and vegetables with a little yogurt.
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