7 things Cause Hunger To Suspected

7 things Cause Hunger To Suspected
The incidence of hunger is not always because the body needs nutrients or energy. The desire to eat can appear just because you smell the delicious aromas of the cuisine or accidentally seeing someone eat.

There are several factors that can cause you to feel hungry, whereas energy intake and calories in the body was more than enough. These seven factors that lead to hungry people as reported by Womansday, and identify where the hunger is the real and which ones are just simply a momentary desire.

1. lack of sleep at night
Less rest could make the body lose energy and confusing appetite hormones. As a result, the body will feel excessive hunger so craving to eat in the next day so craze.

"When the body is lacking energy, levels of leptin (a hormone produced by fat cells to appetite control) also decreased, whereas levels of gherlin (a hormone that triggers your appetite) is increasing," explained Karen Ansel, RD, a spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association.

Therefore, getting enough sleep for eight hours each night is the easiest way, but it is important to prevent excessive food consumption. If indeed you're forced to sleep in a short time (due to overtime, travel long distances, and so on), consumption energy of a healthy foods such as fresh fruit, complex carbohydrates and protein (fish, chicken or vegetable protein).

2. consumption of Drugs with side effects that make the Hungry
If you are hungry after taking the antibiotic medicine to eliminate the allergic reactions, inflammation of the joints, acne or coughing, the drugs may cause. Medical drugs containing steroids like prednisone or other corticosteroid can trigger excessive hunger.

"If you have been consuming a normal portion of food before taking the drug, then hunger arising thereafter can be ignored," says Milton Stokes, RD, the owner of One Source Nutrition. To transfer the hunger, eat gum, savour a cup of warm coffee or small brush your teeth.

3. Thirsty or Dehydration
Dehydration symptoms generally resemble the symptoms while the body is hungry, which is characterized by a sense of weakness and drowsiness. It could make the assumption that you need food to increase energy. When the thirst, the mouth becomes dry and hunger was whack. Before stuffed your mouth with food, when hunger comes, try to drink a glass of water or a cup of herbal tea. Wait for 10 minutes, if the hunger is gone, meaning that your body need only liquids.

4. Recently Completed Sports
After working out as hard as exercise spinning or intervals, typically the hunger will come. But that doesn't mean your body requires extra calories. According to Marissa Lipper, RD, nutrition consultant and diet in New York City, the hunger that comes is a signal that your body requires more specific nutrients.

Not because of the newly completed sports, then you can free to devour anything. Keep eating wisely to restore lost energy, with a healthy snack like baked chicken with rice in the red portion to taste.

5. There is a friend who eats near you
Studies conducted Duke University and Arizona State University, found that women tend to follow the eating habits of friends or other women. When a person eats, then people who want to eat anything with him involved. When a friend eating, while You've been spending on food, soon moving on from my seat and take a walk for a bit. Hold the desire to eat or taste of food. It might be a little difficult, but if you try, the result would be profitable for You.

6. Smell or sight of food
"We tend to eat as a passion rather than the stomach," said Karen. When someone is looking at the food, although it is only of an image, or a TV ad, craving to eat could have appeared. It also can happen when we smell the fragrant loaves of bread baked goods or watch the cooking shows.

To avoid it, the locker soon channel when there's an ad about a food product or out of the room when the show cooking demonstrations took place. The desire to eat one could soon be lost.

7. Stress
Be careful when being stressed out, because it could result in more body fat. A number of studies show, when someone is stressed, he is likely to want to eat foods high in fat, salty and sweet. The hormone cortisol and insulin became the cause of a craving to eat craze when stressed.

These types of foods are indeed feels good and taste in the mouth. But at the same time, also supplies a lot of calories into the body. If the stress hit, don't rush taking a cup of ice cream or chewing on pieces of chocolate. As soon as possible try to clean the mind and overcome stress with six ways.
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