The higher the IQ of babies Given breast milk

The higher the IQ of babies Given breast milk
 Many factors that encourage researchers to continue to campaign for the breast milk. In addition to saving, its benefits are far greater.

A study conducted at Oxford University and the Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER), the United Kingdom, has employed 14,000 children as respondents research. 10,000 such children are those who since infancy given the breast milk. exclusive by his mother, while the remaining 4,000 are the consuming infant formula since infancy.

The respondents then separated on the basis of social and economic classes, this was done to examine whether the breast milk. will make a difference for infant brain development, though coming from different social classes. The age of respondenpun selected, from children who were born around the year 1991-1992.

Once tested, the children who are given the breast milk. exclusive since infancy, has an average IQ in grade 3-5, higher than those drinking baby milk formula ever since. "Of course we are not surprised at this result would be, but however, the detail and depth of research remains to be done," says Dr. Maria Lacovou, head of research, such as offered by ninemsn.

Actually similar research had also been held at other universities. The results showed no significant differences. In Australia, children who were infants when the mother's milk. exclusive for at least 6 months, have a score in mathematics, reading, and spelling are higher than those consuming the sufor (infant formula), though they come from different social classes.

Knowing the results so, Australia then began a campaign of mother's milk. exclusive, and approximately 84% of infants currently given breast milk. exclusively by her mother, as said by the Australian Breastfeeding Association.

Until now, the worldwide campaign continously mother's milk. exclusive. The WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION, recommend that mothers still provide mother's milk. exclusive at least until the baby is 6 months old. It would be better to mention the results, when babies are given the breast milk. until the age of 2 years.
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