Food for nursing mothers in addition to leaves of sauropus androgynus

Food for nursing mothers in addition to leaves of sauropus androgynus

Katuk leaves turned out to be not the only food that is good for the mother who gave birth to a new, particularly who are breastfeeding. There are many other foods that could help produce BREAST MILK, while also recovering energy, produce blood cells, to help baby's brain development.

1. Spinach
Spinach is arguably the most green leafy vegetables nutritious vegetables. These vegetables contain two main nutrients needed nursing mothers, namely folic acid and manganese. Folic acid helps produce new blood cells, which is important for women who as labor lost a lot of blood. Whereas manganese helps the development of bones, cartilage and collagen, which You need if you need to recover from a caesarean section. In addition it is cooked as a vegetable spinach, try once in a while mix spinach in sup, substitute vegetable or lettuce in sandwiches.

Good consumed: anytime you want to.

2. Eggs
The egg contains 5-6 grams of protein, which is good to give a sense of fullness longer at least until the next hour, according to Bridget Swinney, RD, author of Eating Expectantly. To help lose weight after giving birth, the consumption of eggs at breakfast. When the stomach feel fuller, by itself you will not be tempted to consume more calories throughout the day. The egg is also one source of kolin, the nutrients needed to build a memory Center in the brain. These nutrients can be transferred to the baby through breast milk. 
Good consumed : every day

3. Meat samcan
Samcan is beef in the stomach area. Since most of the muscle, the meat is indeed a bit tough. However, it does also the samcan beef fat at least. This meat section could provide the most nutrients, especially iron and zinc (zinc). Two of these minerals is most needed to regain energy and producing breast milk.

Not a lot, at-at first the flesh samcan before cooking. Then, thinly-sliced and fried, as with sports. You can also consume chicken meat. However, select a dark meat parts, like legs and thighs. Although this section of the meat is higher in fat and calories than white meat (the chest), but the content of zinc and iron substances more doubled, so according to Colleen Pierre, RD, nutrition instructor, aging issues, and fitness at the Johns Hopkins University. Good consumed : three times a week

4. Salmon
Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are good for heart health. In addition, salmon has also helped the development of the brain and the eyes of a baby. As with other foods, nutrients from salmon will be absorbed by the baby as you nurse him. 
Good consumed : one or two times a week.

5. high fiber Cereal
In addition to the egg, a bowl of cereal is also good for breakfast menu. Cereal also makes you feel fuller, and it also helps prevent constipation due to its fibers. As you know, ordinary new mothers experiencing constipation due to the hormones that are released during breastfeeding can delay bowel work. Try to mix cereal with low-fat yogurt. In addition to calcium-rich yogurt contain probiotics, the good bacteria that can help healthy digestion. Good consumed : on a daily basis.
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