6 health risks that threaten in their 20s

6 health risks that threaten in their 20s
As you get older, the body will be more susceptible to a variety of risk of disease. Remember, young age doesn't make you safe from a variety of health risks. So, You have to be more vigilant and pay attention to the condition of the body. Here are six life-threatening health risk at the age of 20, as reported by Allwomenstalk.

1. Human Papillomavirus

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is a sexually transmitted disease that is often not detected. In addition, HPV is the major cause of cervical cancer in women. You could be at risk of getting HPV, if you have sex without a condom with more than one partner. To do this, consult the doctor about the procedure the HPV vaccine and how to reduce the risk of developing cervical cancer.

2. prostate cancer

Prostate cancer is a serious health risk in men in their 20s. in fact, the condition is most common in men between the ages of 20-40 years. Early detection is the best way to prevent cancer.

3. high cholesterol

It is not surprising that people in their 20s are at risk of suffering from high cholesterol. This is caused by an unhealthy lifestyle, especially uncontrolled eating habits. The consumption of foods containing a lot of saturated fats can increase the risk of developing high cholesterol. Regular exercise and a healthy diet can reduce the risk. Especially if it is done regularly and continually.

4. breast cancer

All women are at risk of developing cancer of the breast, especially for those who have a family history with breast cancer. Thus, we recommend that you perform early to know the signs of cancer.

5. Tobacco Addiction

Most people start smoking in the late teens or early 20s. it's no secret General, if half of the smokers will have an early death. Then, stop smoking and start to implement a healthy lifestyle.

6. alcohol addiction

Alcohol can pose a serious health risk for the body. Young age sometimes makes us feel out of control and very fit. Certainly the influence of alcohol is dangerous for health, especially internal organs. Stop the habit of drinking alcohol!

Six health risk this will threaten You in the age of 20s. Temptation unhealthy to live is great, but you should be able to control it.
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