Your age is a second by second, for sure one day you will grow old, that's the law of nature. Parents are usually associated with the reduction function, it can be physical, mental or intellectual property. Not the same progressivity this decline is indeed for everyone. There is more going on early, very fast or are there that are not so tangible.
Unlike the muscles, the brain is prone to burnout. If our muscles will still thrive even if we do the same movements continuously, but not brains, the brain needs distinct new challenges
Depends on many factors, it can be genetic, environmental, but the most important thing is your lifestyle. Lifestyle you will more determine you will live in diseases associated with aging or not.
As is known, in addition to heart disease, stroke, diabetes mellitus, malignancy, senility is also increasingly becoming a threat to the old days. Senile, let alone up on the level of Alzheimer 's, where you forget everything, not only children, but also your wife yourself, You ought not being able to take care of yourself, even your basic needs.
Do you want to be like that? I believe not, no one asks for it. Thus, what you have to do in order for you to avoid disease senile? The answer is, take good care of your brain. As the body to stay healthy, you must maintain, nurture it, the brain is also so.
Your brain may still not brilliant, young or expect him to stay healthy in the old days when you get started now you don't keep, keep it, or not give good nutrition. The brain, just like any muscle, the more often you use, the longer you will still be able to use it.
Muscles, along with increasing age, when it is not used will atrophy, shrink. Then, the brain is also so. When you let your brain is idle, he will frown. If the muscle shrinks easily seen with the naked eye, the brain that contract can be seen from the decline of the functions of your intellect. One of these is the memory, your memory. You for example so forgetful, it is not easy to remember new things, it's hard to learn something or do something that usually you can do.
Well, "how to write a relationship with senile? Or, as the title of the article above, write before senility? What is there to do? " Obviously, you will not longer possible to write when you have experienced the senile, because people who have been suffering from senile dementia, especially Alzheimer 's. Far from writing, take care of their own basic needs, would not be able to.
So, before senility write. If you continue to write, God willing, this habit will prevent you from having senile, or at least reduce the risks. Then, "why writing can prevent senile?" The answer is simple. As is known, according to a study that learning new things, and doing something that long but in a different way can keep our brain stay healthy and young.
Unlike the muscles, the brain is prone to burnout. If our muscles will still thrive even if we do the same movements continuously, but not brains, the brain needs a new challenge. For example, if we're already accustomed to choose the same path back home, in a long period of time, the brain will not be much work for it, the brain will not require more energy to get through it, the brain is working automatically.
To stay active, our brains need a new challenge. New experiences, new expertise will enrich the health of our brains. Therefore, I think the writing is a creative process that requires continuous brain healthy. You can't possibly write something if you don't understand it.
To understand it, you certainly have a lot to learn, read, practice, and so on. The process of reading this alone is already a new challenge for your brains, let alone when you write. When you write, the brain requires more oxygen, glucose more anyway, for it is the blood flow to your brain also should flow more.
This process alone has given huge benefits for your brain. Parable exercise for the body, your muscles, writing I think also so, she is a sport specific to your brain. Writing will form synapses – new synapses in your brain cells, so the memory, your memory will be well maintained, keeping your brain young.
In addition, the writing can be parable we bequeath, give something that we have to others. Feeling happy, satisfied when we can share it with others, will surely bring a positive effect on our brains. When we feel glad, happy, satisfied, our writing to read, respond, or do we believe that it is beneficial to others, then the mood thus would cause the hormones of happiness, endorphin will smother your bloodstream. Your stress is reduced, and your brain is so much healthier.
So, write before senility and God willing you will not
Unlike the muscles, the brain is prone to burnout. If our muscles will still thrive even if we do the same movements continuously, but not brains, the brain needs distinct new challenges
Depends on many factors, it can be genetic, environmental, but the most important thing is your lifestyle. Lifestyle you will more determine you will live in diseases associated with aging or not.
As is known, in addition to heart disease, stroke, diabetes mellitus, malignancy, senility is also increasingly becoming a threat to the old days. Senile, let alone up on the level of Alzheimer 's, where you forget everything, not only children, but also your wife yourself, You ought not being able to take care of yourself, even your basic needs.
Do you want to be like that? I believe not, no one asks for it. Thus, what you have to do in order for you to avoid disease senile? The answer is, take good care of your brain. As the body to stay healthy, you must maintain, nurture it, the brain is also so.
Your brain may still not brilliant, young or expect him to stay healthy in the old days when you get started now you don't keep, keep it, or not give good nutrition. The brain, just like any muscle, the more often you use, the longer you will still be able to use it.
Muscles, along with increasing age, when it is not used will atrophy, shrink. Then, the brain is also so. When you let your brain is idle, he will frown. If the muscle shrinks easily seen with the naked eye, the brain that contract can be seen from the decline of the functions of your intellect. One of these is the memory, your memory. You for example so forgetful, it is not easy to remember new things, it's hard to learn something or do something that usually you can do.
Well, "how to write a relationship with senile? Or, as the title of the article above, write before senility? What is there to do? " Obviously, you will not longer possible to write when you have experienced the senile, because people who have been suffering from senile dementia, especially Alzheimer 's. Far from writing, take care of their own basic needs, would not be able to.
So, before senility write. If you continue to write, God willing, this habit will prevent you from having senile, or at least reduce the risks. Then, "why writing can prevent senile?" The answer is simple. As is known, according to a study that learning new things, and doing something that long but in a different way can keep our brain stay healthy and young.
Unlike the muscles, the brain is prone to burnout. If our muscles will still thrive even if we do the same movements continuously, but not brains, the brain needs a new challenge. For example, if we're already accustomed to choose the same path back home, in a long period of time, the brain will not be much work for it, the brain will not require more energy to get through it, the brain is working automatically.
To stay active, our brains need a new challenge. New experiences, new expertise will enrich the health of our brains. Therefore, I think the writing is a creative process that requires continuous brain healthy. You can't possibly write something if you don't understand it.
To understand it, you certainly have a lot to learn, read, practice, and so on. The process of reading this alone is already a new challenge for your brains, let alone when you write. When you write, the brain requires more oxygen, glucose more anyway, for it is the blood flow to your brain also should flow more.
This process alone has given huge benefits for your brain. Parable exercise for the body, your muscles, writing I think also so, she is a sport specific to your brain. Writing will form synapses – new synapses in your brain cells, so the memory, your memory will be well maintained, keeping your brain young.
In addition, the writing can be parable we bequeath, give something that we have to others. Feeling happy, satisfied when we can share it with others, will surely bring a positive effect on our brains. When we feel glad, happy, satisfied, our writing to read, respond, or do we believe that it is beneficial to others, then the mood thus would cause the hormones of happiness, endorphin will smother your bloodstream. Your stress is reduced, and your brain is so much healthier.
So, write before senility and God willing you will not