After some time managed to lose weight through diet reduces calories, usually we feel can give a gift to the efforts that have been made. Awards we think are worth is add a little-a little food or free themselves free to eat anything at the end of the week but it will frustrate efforts of diets that have traveled.
Although actually know if the attitude is not a discipline that could be causing the problem but we tend to ignore it. The food portions are a bit and eaten with guilt is what make it taste more delicious and make us difficult to stop. It turns out science also confirms this.
A study from Northwestern University shows, people who have a sense of guilty when eating food can taste more delicious than those who don't have it. Most people are not aware with this process.
Such research is composed of several different experiments. First, as many as 40 people were divided into two groups. Both were shown six magazine covers. The first group to see health-related magazines and the other group not at all. Then 40 people earlier were given chocolate to "study of". The Group had previously read about health, and has assumed guilt to pamper themselves reported feeling better chocolate than any other group.
The second test by quizzing 108 students were divided into three groups to describe the experience in a few sentences. The first group was asked about the experience that made him feel guilty, both of which make feel disgust, and the third asked randomly. Then all three were given chocolate. Proved to be the first group said it tasted the most delicious.
The Chairman of the research, Kelly Goldsmith, said his research could mean the campaign is important for public health. For example, the campaign to stop smoking. The campaign about the dangers of smoking thus indeed will increase guilt smokers. It makes smoking more deliciously tasting and makes smokers more difficult to stop.
Research proves that the feeling of guilt instead of unnecessary emotion, but rather just a feeling is not profitable. So suffice it to eat a piece of cake but do not feel guilty, if not then chances are you will eat the whole cake.