Yoga is not only effective for weight loss and relaxation. Sport this one turned out to also be effective to control blood sugar levels.
A study on a small scale proves that practicing yoga may help people with type 2 diabetes reduce body weight and controlling blood sugar levels. The study followed 125 adults and seniors are finding that they are adding a yoga class for treatment of diabetes standard managed to lose weight several pounds within three months.
In the meantime, your blood sugar levels on average they tend to be stable. In contrast to the study group didn't do yoga, even blood sugar levels rise. The findings are reported in the journal Diabetes Care, which does not suggest that yoga must replace the other form of sport for people with type 2 diabetes, a disease closely related to overweight or obesity.
"To really lose weight and control their blood sugar, sports a powerful certainly will work better," said Shreelaxmi V Srinivas Hegde from the Institute of Medical Science and Research Center in Mangalore, India, Reuters was quoted as saying.
Among the 60 research participants who took a yoga class several times a week, body mass index (IMT)-size weight compared to height-average decreased to 25.9-25.4. The size of the IMT between 25 and 30 are considered overweight.
"In our research into the effects of yoga on IMT and blood sugar control is small," said Hegde, Chief researcher on the study.
"However, it should be noted that yoga is able to control blood sugar levels revealed increased in the control group," he said.
In addition, the study found that the signs of the so-called oxidative stress decreased in the group who follow yoga. Oxidative stress refers to a situation with the level of reactive oxygen compounds, or collectively, the "free radicals"-damaging byproduct of energy use in cell-up beyond the capacity of the body to neutralizing.
Long-term oxidative stress is believed to contribute to the cause of suffering from a number of chronic diseases. In this study, the team measured the participants ' blood levels of Hegde of certain chemicals that reflect oxidative stress. They found that on average a group of practicing yoga, its chemical substances levels reduced by as much as 20 percent. The importance of such measurements is unclear.
Hegde said, if the reduction of oxidative stress is maintained over time, it can lower the chances of suffering from diabetes complications, such as heart disease, kidney disease, nerve damage and damage to the blood vessels of the eye.
Next, the researchers said, long-term studies are needed to see if it really happens according to Hegde, yoga can reduce oxidative stress due to the parasympathetic nervous system, stimulate a part of the nervous system which basically acts as a brake than an accelerator pedal from the sympathetic nervous system.
However, there are a number of caveats. Yoga used in this research is the soft movement with yoga. These exercises are tailored for people who have additional health problems. For example, some certain poses are avoided in people who have heart disease.
In the real world, yoga classes vary widely. Some of the more powerful sports involving complicated movements will not be appropriate for adults with chronic health conditions. Adults with diabetes are able to find a yoga class designed specifically for seniors and those with chronic medical conditions.
In the United States, hospitals and local community centers offer more classes. Previously, the American College of Sports Medicine and the American Diabetes Association released new guidelines for patient exercise method of type 2 diabetes.
They are advised to run at least 150 minutes aerobic exercise started exercises that medium to heavy, for at least three days a week. People with type 2 diabetes are also asked to not skip more than two days without exercise. During the exercises, the use of weights to develop muscle mass, it is also important in the management of diabetic patients.
Training to improve the durability of the body exercises should be part of a diabetic patient. These new guidelines published in the journal Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. Mentioned there, exercise is very important to reduce the risk of diabetes, as well as help people with diabetes improve the production of insulin and blood sugar.
Exercise can also improve the lipid profile of diabetic patients which can lead to decreased levels of cholesterol and other fats in the blood, as well as weight loss. The author of this method stresses that sustainable intensity and duration of aerobic activity is very important to them and expected to achieve biological effects that could not be achieved from physical activity