Methods Of Yoga, Adjust The Movement With Respiration

Methods Of Yoga, Adjust The Movement With Respiration

Yoga is one of the sports body that combines the basic movement and breathing exercises yoga simultaneously. As a result, the body healthy, the mind was quiet.

To get these benefits, it is necessary an adjustment between respiration, movement, as well as concentration. The principles of yoga, breathing exercises took place at the time, breathing is done by taking and disposing of breath through the nose. However, while relaxation breathing being done that is taking over the mouth and expelled through the nose.

Here, while taking deep breaths through the mouth, especially when relaxation, not just take your breath away. There is a unique event and can rarely people do, however, provide amazing benefits for the body. How, by folding the tongue (like the letter U) and take a breath to read. How is beneficial for cooling the body, let alone the body heat already by the temperature of the room.

"Breathing techniques of the tongue it's called Sitali Pranayama. How, by sitting in one of the yoga postures. Rolls of the tongue from the side toward the Middle, forming a pipeline. Inhale slowly and in through the rolls of the tongue, hold it for a little while, and remove the back through the nose. Do 5-10 rounds, "explained Isma, yoga instructor who is also a graduate of the Yoga Alliance.

He continued, Sitali Pranayama is also beneficial to relieve the heat and very well done in hot weather or while fasting, cope with thirst and hunger, as well as bring fresh flavor.

While the pattern of movement, although many yoga poses that are studied, the practice of yoga is not forsir movements. The exercise continued to pay attention to a series or sequence (sequences). Begin sitting (sitting), reversing loss (inversions), standing (standing), bend (bends forward), and techniques that you can have the body (restorative poses).

Although many of the movements, the exercise of hot flow does not require all the movements taken all. In one exercise, which generally lasts about 60 minutes, the trainer will implement a number of the movement. Practice of paying more attention to the quality, not the number of movements that do. Therefore, it is not easy for the novice do the poses. Generally, they are still difficult to get a good body awareness in training.

"For the benefit of perfect indeed must imitate the instructor. However, now after examined by experts and the world movement of yoga instructors, participants do not have to match exactly with the instructor. This is due to the condition of the body different instructors and participants. So it only takes a similar position and body condition of participants can be customized with their respective capabilities, "added Isma who had eight years of practicing yoga, fitness.

Training tailored to the abilities of participants in this exercise should also note for participants who had an abnormality e.g. knee injury or those who have low blood disease or high blood. It is related to the practice of yoga that requires participants to position the heart more than the head.

Even though it was done outdoors, does not mean no music to accompany. In order to be more natural, instructors can add music effects like in the wild, such as the sound of splattering water, wind and so on.

Hot Yoga Flow workout can be effectively done in the afternoon or evening because of the condition of the body is more flexible so as to exercise will be easier to do pose to the maximum. Range of motion was much wider than other time. So, the practice of yoga can be done before and after the activity. Of course, this exercise can refresh both mind and before and after the activity. Exciting right?
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