Innovation in the world of fitness is increasingly diverse. After a treadmill in water, has now created the latest training methods again, AntiGravity Yoga. The difference with regular yoga, exercise is done in the ' cocoon ' with your head upside down.
The person behind this unique exercise was Christopher Harrison, an acrobatics and gymnastics athlete. This exercise created after inspiration from hammocks (hammock) the tribes of Indians.
Method of AntiGravity Yoga is, doing sports in a huge pouch of silk, hung a few feet above the ground (so it looks like a cocoon). The way it's meant to be a yoga participants feel quiet and peaceful while meditating in the cocoons of silk.
According to Christopher, the position of the head position hanging under it could balance the body, strengthens the abdominal muscles and Flex your spine. Initially, the idea was he obtained while studying yoga. At that time, she found the tool then wrapped with silk fabrics and he used to exercise the preparation performances of acrobat.
"I have traveled the world to play acrobatic and feel my body was experiencing a lot of tension. But finally I found, if you are in a position with my head hanging down can cope with that problem, "said Christopher, as quoted from the Daily Mail.
He adds, hammock use as part of an exercise to warm up. Christopher also expressed, this exercise could be the solution to loosen rigid muscles after a long trip by plane.
AntiGravity Yoga also claimed Christopher give more optimal results than ordinary yoga. Hanging upside down with will refresh the body and organ systems launched the blood circulation.
There are several techniques that can be combined with this unique yoga. Some 40% of movement yoga combined with acrobatics, gymnastics, dance and pilates. Yoga participants could even do a handstand and headstand.
After development for 10 years, now the AntiGravity Yoga became one of America's favorite fitness classes. At this time, Christopher has a schedule to train yoga classes up to 17 times a week, at a studio in Manhattan.
According to Christopher, this exercise is suitable and safe for all ages. Starting from children, adults up to the age of the twilight. It has been proved by his mother on her own.
"My mom would have loved the sport, but he had a problem of back pain. After trying this exercise satisfactory result, it turns out, "he explained.
In addition to regular classes, Christopher also has opened classes for children and people with special needs. Later, the class of AntiGravity Yoga will occur in almost all clubs fitness in America, and following his franchise in Ireland as well as Italy.